Amish Should Buy Health Insurance

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Amish Should Buy Health Insurance


Democrats planned to exempt Amish from the health insurance mandate in the health care bill. When Amish need health care, they often go to the hospitals or doctors and pay in cash with the financial help from the neighbors and church. They depend on each other and not on the government or the insurance companies.

Many Amish church members may not buy health insurance or accept government assistance such as welfare along with many other unique aspects of the Amish beliefs, culture and practice, one of the most issue raising has been health insurance. Amish do not believe in buying the health insurance because according to their faith, belief should be the only cure of pain and suffering (Girod, 2002, 31-42). The bill has been recently passed in the health care reform that calls everyone including Amish to buy health insurance, however the question whether Amish should buy it. There are various arguments detailed out in this paper that justifies the need for Amish to buy healthcare insurance.


Many Old Order Amish and Mennonites refuse to purchase health insurance and Medicaid and Medicare. For them it is a religious duty to provide for one another of their communities. Old Order Amish maintains that they have no want of charity, but they want bills that reflect the cost of care (Staman et el, 2010). When the government will charge a lot hospitals have to pay for upgrading technology and service the actual cost of service. These aspects make one realize that Amish needs the medical insurance to cover their healthcare expenses. Some of the refutations for this idea are given below.

Buying Insurance to Cover the Health Needs of Growing Amish Population

The first argument is that the Amish should buy health insurance because the Amish population is growing rapidly and their health are needs have been increasing. The exemption of access to health are could harm the health of children whose families avoid health insurance due to religious reasons. However the Amish objectives relate more to insurance than to medical care itself. Amish can buy medicine, or special devices that quickly get rid of diseases and help them get back on their feet. But in severe illness, it is a comprehensive approach, to seek professional help.

If Amish buy the health insurance, they will have a choice as to which medical facility to be tested. They may recommend a specific clinic with an experienced staff, with the help of modern medical equipment which literally works wonders (Wyatt, 2009). Nowadays some of he Amish population is now buying health insurance and others have made some sort of arrangements. The reason for this change to buy health insurance is to prevent the healthy people from waiting until they get sick and then try to get insurance. For Amish, having the healthcare insurance will ensure health care management (Wyatt, 2009).

Making the Most of the Decreasing Health Insurance Cost

The second point is that if Amish buy the health insurance is that supporters say ...