America's Respone To Terrorist Attacks

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America's Response to Terrorist Attacks

America's Response to Terrorist Attacks


Although America is made out to be one of the greatest nations on earth, it has it's fare share of problems. Most of the problems are minor and just need to be dealt with to properly correct them; however, most of them are not as insignificant. Terrorism has recently been on the rise and it's becoming a great threat to all American's lives. From minor protests to the Unabomber and the Oklahoma City Federal Building; terrorism is rapidly growing in America and something must be done to prevent it from engulfing the basic carefree lifestyle of the American.


Terrorism is not new to the United States, in fact it's been around for quite some time. Ever since the first war in America broke out terrorism has been a constant threat. One of the earliest terrorist acts was committed in 1963 when four young girls were crushed after a bomb demolished a Baptist Church in Birmingham (Greene 1). Terrorism creates continual worries that people are, but should not have to worry about.


Terrorism can come in as many different styles as one can think and at any given time, usually when it is expected least. The Congressional Research Service warns that terrorists are not those acting on behalf of established governments or militant organizations, but are motivated by religious zeal or greed (Stanglin 1). Kroll and Associates is a New York based, security consulting firm which is currently debating whether foreign or domestic terrorism poses the greater threat (Morganthau 1). With the recent horror stories reflecting the victims of the Unabomber and the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building, Americans would have to say that domestic terrorism is the greater threat at this time.

The Unabomber, a fellow American, terrorized the country by mailing bombs and delivering other means of destruction across the country. One of the many victims, John Hauser, tells of how he was working in the engineering lab at Cal-Berkeley when he saw something that looked similar to a container which one of his colleagues frequently used to carry personal items. When he reached over to pick it up, curious to whom it belonged, it exploded, blowing his arm off to his right side. He looked down and saw that all his fingers were mangled. Each was missing two sections and his pointer a little more. He was able to read the words "Academy" in the plaster where his air force ring-which he wore on his right hand ring finger-had blown off and hit the wall. His career as an Air Force pilot was over. This is only one of the numerous victims whose life was dramatically changed by the infamous Unabomber (Hauser 40).


It is now known to the nation that Timothy McVeigh is responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing. It is also known that McVeigh was a decorated veteran of the Persian Gulf War. The intended purpose of terrorism is to create ...
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