American War

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American War

American War

Question 1

American colonies were able to defeat Britain by finding some major weakness in British system like major weakness of the British cause was their deficiency of a clear strategy or objective. The Nationalists were cobwebby in their aims; the pursue independence was without halfway house, the American arises had everything to win by triumph and all to lose by overcome, where as the British could last with or without the evolution of the colonies. There was also a central misapprehending amongst the British anterior to 1778 as to whether their devise to recuperate the colonies was to appease with the colonial occupants or to defeat and subdue them to the will of the crown. British attempts to combine political settlement with warfare were gone astray and conquered military operations. Part of the cause of this battle of aims was a failure to understand the nature of the radical cause; the freedom fighter leaders were by principle determined to prevent rapprochement with the British. Lt Colonel Harcourt stated the truth on May 31st when he wrote that America was never to be retrieved without making a downright subjection of her. The failure of British generals to understand this at the beginning of the conflict meant that they had inadequate troops and resources at their disposal and this certainly contributed to British overcome. Irresolution and unclear scheme also had a detrimental effect on esprit de corps, lack of assurance in the British cause spread to the highest relative status. (Robert, 1996)

Question 2

Nathanael Greene was selected as Major General in August 9, 1776. His command on Long Island in April 1776. Green was sick and did not present the Battle of Long Island and did not see again until the Battle of Harlem Heights battle. Although the United States by the forces in the area of New York and the Hudson outnumbered George Washington wants to maintain control of the territory of the United States. (Henry, 1999)

Still he learned many things from Quarter-master general and that give advantage as a leader when he was given the command of Southern campaign. The distribution & allocation of scarce resources, mobility & transportation, as well as the crucial facets of maintaining & setting up supply lines, was a great lesson to take it in the south. His plan would develop into a complete plan to conserves his troops and supply lines, striking when indispensable while at the same time draining the foe's troops and besetting and overstraining the British supply lines. This new-fangled plan was one that together he and George Washington came to agree upon, or perhaps developed together maybe, in this short proclamation Washington with his "one observation" jambs the key to the Radical Army scheme - - a approach that Major Greene enforced with a spiritual devotedness in the South. (Robert, 1996)

Question 3

The Battle of New Orleans was one of the biggest victory of US at the end of 1812 war. This war took place on 8th January ,1815 , ...
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