American Transportation

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American Transportation

American Transportation


There has been huge increase in the transport system and the transport industry of USA. America has been growing since many years. With the increase in the transportation system, there have been many changes in the regulations that govern the transport system of America. There different modes of transport system that is comprised of different medium of transport, that is, rail, air, water networks and roads. The major transportation system is dependent on the automobile in order to travel shorter distances but in order to travel longer distances, airplane or railroads are the modes of transportation. The evolution of the transportation system has a great history in USA. The evolution of technology has brought the transportation from the carts to the automobiles and further to the mass transit system (Dilger, 2003).


The transportation system of America comprises of a strong network that sets the rules and regulation for the governing system. The department is known as the United States Department of Transportation. It also provides the faculties, supervision aspects, and also takes the responsibility of the financial aspects of the transportation system. The transportation system of America is divided according to the governing bodies of the states, that is, every state has its own depart for transportation. The responsibility of the every department of state is to builds and maintains the highways, roads and the networking system and other system if the state has one. Like the mass transit system. Therefore all the modes of transportation all operated, maintained and are operated through the respective transportation department of the State.

The total number of Passenger transportation for the traveler comprises of approximately3.9 million miles of highways (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1990). These highways and the road network is on the global standard are known to be one of the most effective highway and road network system of the world. These highways are connected in inter and intra networking system. Usually the transportation system govern the passenger transport is overwhelmed with the passenger vehicles. This comprises of many vehicles like motorcycles, cars, trucks, vans etc. This is estimated to be the 86% of passenger-miles according to the statistics of the US transportation Bureau. The rest of the 14% falls under the category of buses, airplanes and transit (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1990).

According to the US transportation Bureau that was compiled the data and statistics of transportation by 2003 the ...
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