American Studies History

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American Studies History

United States of America

The United States of America is the world's fourth largest country in area and the third largest in population. It contains 50 states, 48 of which lie between Canada and Mexico. The other two are Alaska, in NW North America, and Hawaii, a group of volcanic islands in the N Pacific Ocean. Densely populated coastal plains lie to the E and S of the Appalachian Mountains. The central lowlands drained by the Mississippi-Missouri rivers stretch from the Appalachians to the Rocky Mountains in the W. The Pacific region contains fertile valleys separated by mountain ranges (Chance, pp. 1-26).

American History

To look at the glorified history and cultures individuals have had, it becomes rather difficult to understand that the United States of America can undertake any attempt or act which would otherwise demean their current standing of ethical decision making or that would result as an act of deviation from the reason of existence of America.

The United States of America has imbibed within itself the core values of ethics and humanity, namely individual freedom, justice, equality, commitment to free-market capitalism and self-determination. Under many instances, with world-renowned organizations and committed bodies, such as World Trade Organization (WTO), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), etc. have been working zealously and endlessly, contributing towards the development and growth of the entire human community around the world.

The country itself establishes as a benchmark for all other countries to follow, producing and delivering the most important disciplines of food, educational, health and judicial assistance. Its endless work, responsibilities and fulfilling demands of each country & catering to their requirements is by far the most important contribution that America pays and proudly owns to produce such effective and efficient relationships (García, pp. 96-105).

However there have been several instances where America has undertaken decisions which have caused it shame and adversity. For instance, the infamous incident of 9/11 had paved way for irrevocable casualties that defamed America's reputation in the eyes of the world. With millions dead in an instant and critical questions rose upon Bush's presidency, the event was considered one of the most horrifying events that had occurred in the history of American times.

Another example of this could be the rising crime rate, poverty, and recurring drug, and substance abuse problems that the country faces, which pertains to cover the value of freedom, implying the freedom of act and expression. Several attempts, interventions and events have taken place on all fore fronts, that is, on a physical, social and psychological level, that although have lowered the level of current problems and situation prevalent in the country, but, unfortunately, even after such zealous events, the problem seems to persist (Lockhart, pp.65-75).

With the US, all the 50 states hold significant authority and application of substance abuse treatment for adolescents, with ample differentiation throughout the country. With reference to justice, measures have been undertaken to, if not eradicate, reduce the crimes and ...