American Revolution

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Role of Religion in American Revolution

Outline of the Paper

The outline of the study is as follows:

Research Question

Thesis Statement


The Revolution and the Civil Religion

Cause of Revolution

War of Independence

The Growth of A Civil Religion



Role of Religion in American Revolution



Religion is an important reason for the American Revolution. However, the revolutionary struggle, and religion interact skillfully and quickly change production and to change the traditional relationship between government and religion, the United States of Europe is the religious freedom of people around the lighthouse. U.S. Declaration of Independence in July 1776 stressed as a political revolutionary cause, especially with regard to that taxation and British imperial policy in the United States the impact of the dispute. The Declaration refers only to religion generally - to "Nature's God" and "sacred" - and no mention of Christ or the Bible text references to support independence. 1791 First Amendment, the Modern Federal Constitution. Congress about religion in general, not just the church. The first amendment affirms a broad range of religious belief and practice, typically before and after the revolution the United States, and prohibits the "establishment of religion," it creates the relationship between government and religion, to individuals and voluntary groups a Modern model, rather than religious activities between government responsibility and the American people's faith. (Whitaker, 1999)

Research Question

“Are Americans more or less religious in 2011 as they were in 1961?”

Thesis Statement

“Significance of religion in American Revolution in Present Era”

The Revolution and the Civil Religion

The definition of American civil religion has one of my original article, 'I would now like to find out some of the ambiguities. In that article I pointed to a document that clearly and unmistakably classic definition of the special nature of American religion, I have quoted from the document. However, taken from Rousseau's Social Contract, the term "civil religion" I also brought a more general concept of the common eighteenth century in the United States, but not specifically American. So I think it may be useful to distinguish two different types of civil religion, whether in the United States and the differences may be operative in the analyst's mind than the people's consciousness. (Kuehne, 2001)

It is believed in general religion that, "written in the hearts of all mankind, yea, even in pagans," and consists in belief in God, in the afterlife, and in divine punishments. Benjamin all his differences from the Franklin Williams, that essentially the same thing, just as his civil religion in my autobiography quoted in the original article.

This general basic functions of civil religion, can be indifferent to the rest of the church is reflected in the special civil religion and other documents as the Declaration of Independence, and bound with the U.S. national history, but most American religious groups have been able to confirmed the general and special folk beliefs, and characteristics of their own theories. In this fusion of Protestant denominations have joined the Catholics and Jews almost to the present. F, we can see between the general civil religions as a concern for ...
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