American Politics

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American Politics

American Politics

Difference between reconstruction in North, South and West

By the middle of the XIX century, slavery in the south of the United States increasingly became an impediment to economic and social development. In the north, developed rapidly capitalism, the industrial revolution has entered a crucial stage, covering all major sectors of industrial production. U.S. along with Britain, France and Germany has become part of the four leading industrialized nations of the world. At the same time south of the country remained extremely backward area is dominated slavery (Born, 2005).

By this time the alignment of class forces changed in the country. If the old commercial bourgeoisie, bankers, cotton manufacturers were economically linked with the South, the new industrial bourgeoisie is constantly faced with the planters on customs tariffs, the "internal improvement" financing the construction of railways, canals, harbors, etc. The interests of capitalism demanded create favorable conditions for the formation of a unified national market, turning black slaves into wage workers.

Reconstruction of the decrees, approved by Congress in 1867, divided the South into five regions of military occupation and give voting rights to blacks. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution, passed in 1866, eliminates the confederates of all political and administrative activities (Aldrich, 1994). Adventurer's northerners, the carpet-baggers, take the opportunity to lead the governments in the Southern states. Looting and corruption is widespread under the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877). However, this expansion is accompanied by severe economic crises (1873, 1884, and 1907). Capitalist concentration grows, resulting in formation of powerful trusts (Standard Oil, 1882, United States Steel Corporation, 1901). In 1890, Congress passed a first antitrust law (Sherman Antitrust Act). It was at this period that the American labor, striving above all to improve working conditions (wage increases, reduction of working time).

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