American Philosophy

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American Philosophy

The American philosophy known is called the philosophy of pragmatism (pragmatism); it is an ideology believes that the health of views and ideas lies in its practical results or effectiveness and success in solving problems. Pragmatism comprises of three key elements: (1) the meaning is associated with practical implications; (2) the function of thought is conceived as a guide for action and (3) states that the test of truth is the practical consequences of the belief. Indeed, it is essential to understand the pragmatism in general (Lurie, 2002, 265-276).

There is an issue of concern not only to a few people of our continent, but the American man in general. This issue is the possibility or impossibility of an American Culture, and as aspect or part of it, the possibility or the impossibility of American Philosophy. There may be an American if a philosophy of American cultures that philosophy which takes its themes.

Contemporary Problems Affecting Society

If the philosophy of what lead to the solution of problems of emergency in society with all the effectiveness and success, it means that it's authentic, and if failed to do so, it means they were wrong. This shows that the mentality of the American people is the mentality of pragmatic, not utopian or imaginary (Gardner, 1989, 59-73).

An American Philosophy in Western culture would work trying to solve the problems that arise and that such issues had not been settled by European philosophy, or whose solution was not satisfactory. Now, one might think, those who interested in making a philosophy with an American label, that this cannot interest a philosophy that is concerned with what Americans themselves. However, it would not. Because both have called universal themes and topics specific to the American situation are closely linked. To treat one we need to treat others ...
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