American Literature

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Arguing On How Cheif Broden Survives And How He Changes In The Novel

Arguing On How Cheif Broden Survives And How He Changes In The Novel

The thesis for this paper is about arguiing how Chief Bromden survives and how he changes on the novel. He was put in there after World War two. The chief was an electrician's assistant in a training camp before the army shipped him off to Germany. It is likely to work in electronics, and added a position to go to war, which has led to in-Chief is such an unhealthy concern about electronics.

The chief has led everyone in the hospital, both staff and patients to believe he is deaf and dumb. For him, his silence is also extremely potent. As he is able to hear everything that went on in the meetings where the doctors and nurses discuss the future of the patients. (// )The doctors and nurses don't hesitate to say anything in front of him because they think he can't hear. "They don't bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I'm nearby because they think I'm deaf and dumb." (Kesey,1963)

Chief sees things literally, metaphors, he sees McMurphy to be really big in size, because he is so brave (and a big spirit). The chief compares McMurphy to his father, because they were both such strong people. His father fought for a long time to save the government, but in the end was to give it up, this will reduce her to spend rest of his life drinking and becoming a shadow of a man he once was.

The chief sees the same fighting quality in McMurphy and that is why he respects and looks up to him so much. He doesn't want to see McMurphy being beaten by the system as ...
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