American History

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American History

American History


The American continent can be understood as a place marked by two stories. The first of these, yet little explored, refers to understanding the history of the peoples who inhabited and formed the various civilizations and formed the first civilizations on the continent (Sweet, 2013). The second part of the history of the great North American majority reflects its late majority. It speaks of a place discovered by the entrepreneurial spirit of the Europeans who discovered the American lands in the late fifteenth century. The colonies do not need common government because of poverty and inflation. Furthermore, these problems became accentuated when the combined conditions of the complete federation was taken into account. As such the American continent and the United States remained a confederation that was atypical to the dictums of a typical federation.

The thirteen English colonies of America proclaimed their independence in the eighteenth century and originally formed a confederation, which soon transformed into a federation. In America, the federation is an artificial production (Sweet, 2013). The unitary state is characterized by the recognition of a single source of legislative drafting. The federation recognizes two levels of preparation and validity of positive law. Established government in America was necessary for the people because common government could not handle the issues of colonies.


From that moment of encounter and conflict between cultures, which over time involved Europeans, Indians and Africans; the identity of the American continent became a great answer without conclusion. Several projects and intellectual movements tried drafting a final proposal cannot bring a spirit of communion to the extensive continent. Between Europeanization, native's debates still try to reflect the condition of the U.S. and its history. The so called colonial past seems to justify various issues of the present. The socioeconomic subordination, poverty, violence and corruption are traces of a perspective that brings the subordination condition as constant in the different issues surrounding the American people (Sweet, 2013). However, other historians and philosophers seek to overcome this past constructed from a somewhat more sensitive issue on how we can respond to our experiences and challenges.

Recent polls show the America is culturally hybrid nation. To alleviate the problems faced; this new current historical understanding abandons the idea of ??the presence of a “colonial past” to think that the American continent has problems and solutions which are developed autonomously. Thus, America is a unique place that ...
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