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American History

American History

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The role of American's prominent leadership during the course of World War I and what leads United States to be part of World War I

Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points

The Wilson's Fourteen Points are the name given to the program of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to end the First World War and rebuilt the Europe in a resounding speech of 8 January 1918 before the U.S. Congress. Although many points are specific, the first five were more general, including the Free Trade (abolition of tariffs, open markets and capital goods), free access to the sea, the abolition of the secret diplomacy, disarmament, the return of sovereignty on the occupied land after military victories, like Alsace-Lorraine to France, the right to self-determination of peoples, etc.

The speech, which written without prior consultation or coordination of European counterparts, imbued with noble ideals and announced the League of Nations.

Wilson will succeed in passing a portion of its program in the Treaty of Versailles. However, despite the idealism, the post-war Europe did adopt only four points. Moreover, their application in the field (including that of self-determination) will be denied to conquered peoples (Germans of Austria, Hungary) or non-represented in international forums (Ukrainians, Irish) not to mention the peoples colonized. The U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Versailles Treaty and to enter the League of Nations. Finally, the Danzig corridor, which allowed the Polish free access to the sea, but by cutting off Germany in two, will be one of the triggers of World War II.

However, the Fourteen Points preserve the memory of a worthy ideal. They have attracted a great hope of liberation in the colonies. The speech translated and distributed by the press in particular among separatist movements in Africa and Asia. Extracts even learned by heart in Chinese schools . Peace Treaty of Versailles

The Peace Treaty of Versailles (including the Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Versailles) was at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 in the Palace of Versailles by the powers of the Triple Entente and their allies largely fixed until May 1919. In fact, the fighting of the First World War, already with the signing the Armistice of Compiegne on 11 November set 1918th. The contract stated the sole responsibility of the German Reich and its allies for the outbreak of World War II and therefore, it undertook to cede territory, disarmament and reparations to the victors. The delegation of the German Reich not admitted to the lengthy hearings on the contract, but was only able to obtain the final written submissions by a few improvements. After the subsequent call, the Germans signed in protest on 28June 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles, the treaty. After the ratification and the exchange of instruments, he joined on 10 January 1920 in force. Because of its seemingly harsh conditions of the contract and its conclusion perceived by the majority of Germans as illegitimate.

The Peace Treaty of Versailles ending the First World War formally. The signatories included, in addition to the German Empire, the United States, the United Kingdom of Serbs, ...
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