American Healthcare Delivery System

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American healthcare delivery system


In this paper we will be studying the quality of American healthcare delivery system. In this context we will study the present healthcare system of US. Furthermore, we have studied Provider Contracting in Health Care Delivery System, Cost Containment in Healthcare Delivery System of US., Effects on Medicare and Medicaid and The Role of Government Regulations in a holistic context and drawn some recommendations for the government.American Healthcare Delivery System

Managed Health Care delivery System in U.S.

In the U.S., the health system is very different from the system of many European countries. These are private insurance companies who provide the majority of Americans. These private insurance is often offered by employers. We must therefore have a job to be covered. United States, 6 in 10 have health insurance tied to their jobs. Americans who can afford it can also provide individually. For others, there is a public system. This system provides people over 65, disabled persons who can no longer work, some poor families and children. But everyone is not guaranteed far from it (Boslaugh, 2011).

In the U.S., 50 million people lack health insurance: nearly 1 in 5. Life expectancy is relatively low for a developed country like the United States. The infant mortality rate is quite high. In short, the health of Americans is not good. In addition, this system is very expensive. During his election campaign, Obama promised he would improve the U.S. health care system. They therefore waited with impatience and interest, the reform of President Barack Obama (Wynne, 2008).

For decades, there have been several proposals for reform to move towards broader health coverage for Americans. Several former U.S. presidents, Republican or Democrat, have failed to change the system. There are many obstacles. MPs and U.S. senators must agree with the law. Moreover, many MPs and senators are not convinced by a change in the health system (Huls, 2009).

According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the United States - the world's only advanced industrial country without universal health care system. In the U.S., about 84% of citizens have health insurance, 64% had employer provided insurance, 9%, bought it on their own, 27% of the citizens of the insurance provided under government programs. Certain government programs allow you to get medical assistance for the disabled, the elderly, children, veterans, low-income people, and provide emergency assistance to all residents regardless of their ability to pay. Over 45% of the costs of the country in health care go to the financing of such government programs, so the U.S. government is the largest insurer of the nation (World Health Organization, 2000).

In 2006 the U.S. had no health insurance 16% of the population, and that 47 million people! This is due to the high cost of insurance, which is growing faster than wages or inflation. In 2001, the costs of medical care in the U.S. about 50% of bankrupt companies. Around the American health care system is constantly unfolding ...
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