American Foreign Policy Changes Between 1865 - 1910

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American Foreign Policy Changes Between 1865 - 1910

American Foreign Policy Changes Between 1865 - 1910


During the late 19th century, America was developing and coming in a prosperous state. The end of the Civil War again unified the boundaries of U.S. As the country started gaining more power and money, they looked to the monopoly trade market on their raw materials. They started trading with China, Japan, Latin America and other nations for acquiring resources. At this time, United States started placing their political influences on foreign countries for protecting these investments. U.S began warring with Spain in order to secure their investment. In Spanish-American War, U.S took over control on Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Philippians. It is important to notice that all 3 territories were filled with coveted resources. Most of the people believed that American has become an imperialistic nation, and many assume that it was against the interest of America to do it. But it is important to notice that it interrupted social hierarchies by pleasing the desires of the individuals. Importantly, it damaged the cultural values by glorifying enterprise and liberty.

Discussion Analysis

The U.S history of foreign policy displays many fluctuations in the period of 1865 to 1910. It covers the period of isolation, reconstruction, the gilded age and wars. It further includes the rise of industrialization that resulted in mass of immigration in the U.S and other complications. As the U.S continued growing in size and population, they also started to advance their technological power and flourish economy as well. The economy of U.S was expanding and most of the firms in U.S looking for foreign nations to enlarge their markets. The U.S people gained superfluous capital than they needed for themselves. The government of U.S was holding a vision of circulating the American Dream across the world, ...