American Education System

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American Education System



In general, education is best described as the process through which the habits, behaviors and aims of the older people are passed on to the younger generation.

Education is a right which has been recognized by the governments and jurisdictions around the globe, which is also protected and made compulsory for every individual by the Human Rights and the United Nations.


Education in the United States

In United States, Education is mainly the responsibility of the public sector, and the funding for education comes from three different levels: the federal, state and lastly the local.

In America, public education is available for all and the entire functioning of the school is done by the board, which is locally elected and there are also various directives coming from the law making bodies or local governments.

There are three levels of education in the American school system, which are elementary school, middle and the high school and the students in each category are divided on the basis of their age groups into various grades.

American Education in Comparison with the education systems in the world

There have been many studies which suggest that America is not as great as it claims to be in the field of education.

Yet, there are reasons available that are enough to convince all that American Education System is better than that of other countries.

There are various examples, however, to quote a few; there would be on the grounds of methods and techniques, the general environment and the student development programs.

The Balance Behavior

In education systems across the world, the general treatment of students by the teachers is in the form of harsh and stern manner.

Psychology suggests that this behavior usually leads to a rebellious attitude, which is generally intensified over the years resulting in extreme behaviors creating social issues.

On the other hand in America, the students are treated with fair and moderate behavior, which helps them stay positive and have a healthy and progressive mindset.

Methods and Techniques of Teaching

The methods and techniques that are used by the American school systems are completely different from what is used in other countries, especially the ones used in countries like China or India.

The concepts of education are much different in America where more importance is given on generating a genuine interest in studies of the students then creating an environment where everything is done through force and aggression.

The educationalist in America have developed a genuine sense of creativity and imagination of thought and innovation, which enables its followers and those whom they train to have the freedom to think, take risks and leave their marks on the history of mankind in general and especially of American people.

Psychological elements

The psychological elements that are present in the education system and that affect the entire lives of the people are not to be neglected or misjudged.

It is customary in countries like, China and India to keep a tight hold on the kids and bind their lives in the chains of rules and regulations, which is also the case in ...
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