American Declaration Versus T He French Declaration

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American Declaration versus T he French Declaration

American Declaration versus the French Declaration


The declaration of independence is a statement of principles that was adopted by the continental congress. The draft and declaration announced that the American colonies were no longer a part of the Europe Empire and regarded themselves as independant states. The declaration laid the foundation of United States as independent states. It contains principals regarding the natural and legal rights of all citizens. Initially the declaration was neglected, but then it was considered significant element of the American history, as it respects and encourages human rights at all levels. The declaration of independence was the foundation of economic and political philosophy which represented the independence and sovereignty of United States.

The declaration of rights of the man and citizen is an important framework of the French revolution. It defines the individual and collective rights of people living in a society. It explains that rights of human are universal. These rights are valid anywhere in the world at anytime. On the other hand, the declaration was also successful in influencing the right based liberal democracy throughout the world.

Thesis statement

In comparison to French declaration, the American declaration has devised rules and regulations regarding slavery, parent's rights over children, national sovereignty and the use of firearms by the citizens.


The American declaration of independence and the declaration of rights of the man and citizen can be compared to each other in many ways. They have their own differences in many aspects. This declaration consists of revolutionary ideas that enabled both governments to be stable. Both the declarations address many issues that both countries were facing at that time. The American declaration of independence didn't have any influence over the world, but it has its own impact on the French declaration. The common differences between both the declarations are described below.


The most important factor and element of American declaration was the law regarding slavery. This law is not present in the French declaration. The contradiction between the law “all men are created equal” and the existence of slavery attracted comment when the declaration was published. Initially a small paragraph related to laws of slavery was included in the declaration, but it was deleted before the declaration got published. The controversy was increasing whether to add the slavery principle or not. The first debate regarding the slavery issue was made after the Missouri controversy. Many people and congressmen argued that the declaration has neglected the slavery principle and should be included ...
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