Amerian Courts And Freedom

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American government protects its citizens' freedom through courts cases

American government protects its citizens' freedom through courts cases

Thesis statement

As a result of court cases, American government protects its citizens in freedom of religion, freedom of speech and voting writes.


The desire to exchange ideas with others is considered a natural inclination of human nature. The term commonly used speech follows pure expression, or verbal communication a complex skill that distinguishes humans from other species. However, the use of the term in U.S. law includes a much wider range of individual expression as speaking, writing, and even through the behavior called symbolic speech. Therefore, freedom of expression includes all forms of expression, including books, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, computer transmissions, films, and certain physical actions (Emerson, 1963).

Freedom of speech and court cases

Thesis statement

Freedom of speech is established by the First Amendment of US constitution, which gives the courts the rights to protect their citizens.


Flexibility of expression is considered by many Americans as one of their most significant, but there are efforts to regulate, constraint or prohibit many types of speech. - Often with popular public support these efforts are usually motivated by religious objections to sex, profanity, people, etc approve freedom of expression, but only upon approval of the content. When he talks involving political views do not like or sexual material offends you, go away the principle of freedom of expression.

FW / PBS, Inc. v. City of Dallas (1990)

Due to frequent efforts to regulate religious conservatives anything involving sex, many cases dealing with such regulations end up in court. In this case, the Supreme Court has set the standard for the ability of cities to create licensing, inspection, and zoning requirements for sexually oriented businesses. In the process, declaring unconstitutional the requirements created by the city of Dallas, because it applies only to sexually oriented businesses and nothing else. This created a form of "censorship" based on the content of speech and depended solely on traditional religious beliefs about the immorality of certain sexual activities.

V. Cuffley Mick (1999)

Freedom of speech does not mean much if it only applies to people most like. In v. Cuffley Mick, the Supreme Court ruled that even Ku Klux Klan should be allowed to participate in the Adopt a Highway, just like any other organization. The importance of this case that helped establish that once the government creates any benefit or program is not generally excludes certain groups because of their religious or political views are unacceptable.

Free Speech Coalition v. Reno (1999)

Both the "pornography" and "protect children" are often battle cries of the Christian Right censors. These two principles are met in the Child Act Pornography Prevention (CPPA), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed. The Court held that the CPPA violated the First Amendment, particularly as regards the attempt to ban "virtual child pornography.

Freedom of belief and U.S. court cases

Thesis statement

Everyone in US has rights to practice their religious beliefs and examples of US court cases testify ...