Amazon Kindle

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Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle

Literature Review

Amazon Kindle was founded in 1994 as an online bookseller. Because Amazon did not have the overhead costs of its "brick-and-mortar" competitors, such as Barnes & Noble, the company was able to charge lower prices for books, shipping them directly to customers from Amazon's warehouses. Although many similar "dot-com" companies founded in the mid-1990s had failed by the end of the decade, Amazon remained popular, and was credited with popularizing online shopping; in 1999, Time magazine named the company's chief executive officer, Jeffrey Bezos, its person of the year. Washington Post journalist Steven Pearlstein described Bezos as "a master at using the Internet to cut out the middlemen that stand between the author and the reader, delivering books to consumers at lower prices."

The group Amazon

Among the Amazon Kindle group of companies include the search engines Alexa and A9 , the bookseller French digital and film database IMDb . Amazon has also bought in December 2008, the Canadian group Bookseller specializing in the sale of old and rare books .

The trial against Amazon SLF

In November 2007 opened a trial between the Union of French bookstore and "" about the free shipping by it. Amazon then sends a letter to its customers, denouncing the trial and asking users to send multiple emails to the SLF to defend the free shipping cost, a practice sometimes called "mail bombing" (" mail-bombing " in English). In response to this letter from Amazon and the petition set up on the site, the structure-lekt launched in February 2008 a "Call for the book"to support a different reading the case.

Meanwhile, beginning in December 2007, the company is convicted after the trial for breach of the law Lang to € 100,000 in damages and a fine of € 1,000 per day to change its terms of sale .

Nevertheless, the Court of Cassation held a few months later, on May 6, 2008 , in another similar case Alapage that "the assumption by the seller of the cost associated with the implementation of its obligation to deliver the product sold is not a bonus under the provisions of the Consumer Code ", making the free port possible.

The Kindle

In November 2007, Amazon sells its own drive for electronic books , called the Kindle . The Kindle also comes in the form of a PC application on iPhone or phones Android , which allows you to read electronic books purchased on different platforms.

Business tactics and Strategies

Amazon expanded rapidly by offering new sections for new product lines: music CDs, videotapes, DVDs, software, electronics, kitchen items, hardware, garden, toys, baby products, clothing, sporting goods, food, jewelry, watches , articles for personal hygiene, cosmetics, musical instruments and supplies for industrial and scientific use.

One particular feature of Amazon's site is to make it possible for customers to review products on the page, rated on a scale of one to five.

According to information in Amazon Kindle discussion forums, 40% of sales by affiliates, which they call ...
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