Amazing Grace

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Amazing Grace


John Newton (1725-1807), was born in London, [England] 1725 July 24 (old style), son of Commander in the labor market services in business Mediterranean. His mother died in his early life, who gave him the early religious education, and consumption. His father married again, and sends his child to school in Stratford, Essex, where he learned little Latin. In that year the largest Newton retired from service and later governor of Fort York, part of the Hudson Bay Company, he was drowned in 1751. At the same time, after returning from a trip to Venice around 1743 / Aboard Hms Harwich was impressed, and although the influence of his father by the rebels, he abandoned any time soon. When the sailors and improve downgraded (1745), and your request to exchange drool from Madeira, which led him to Sierra Leone beach there. The other main treatment more human, and according to some share in the company. In early 1748, he moved to a place called Kittam by master who lost his father. (Turner, pp. 105)

He preached religion till the last years of his life, although he got blind and failed to continue working as the principal, John died on 21 December 1807, and was buried next to his wife was in St. Mary Woolnoth. Each body of Olney in 1893, when he Church of St. Mary for all the human remains were removed acquitted. (Hochschild, pp. 77)


"Amazing Grace" was released in 1779 and a man of religion and the English poet, John Newton (1725-1807). He wrote: This song and the message of forgiveness and redemption are always possible, regardless of any song and was committed, and how our lives can be miserable at the time of delivery of mercy and despair God. John Newton wrote: “Amazing Grace "from her personal experience and spiritual poem (based on dictionary hymnology of America). (Turner, pp. 105)Participation in the slave trade and to no spiritual belief grew. During his life, however, the formation of swing types and coincidences that often has been implemented was disobedient spirit.

John Newton is very religious and had fear of God and asked, no mercy. This moment was the beginning of spiritual evolution. He said later that the first experience I am quite at peace with God was felt. (Turner, pp. 105)

Newton wrote the words from his personal experience. He had religious faith which was great, but shaping the course of their lives through a variety of swing and coincidences that put forward in many cases, the rebel movements to disobey him. He pressure in the Royal Navy and became sailors, and possibly participates in the slave trade. He was beaten in a terrible storm one night that the ship was so scared enough to appeal to God for mercy, for the moment that marked the beginning of a spiritual transformation. And its work in the slave trade continued: a few more years until he resigned to the full sea and began to study theology. (Turner, pp. 105)

Newton a priest ...
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