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Explain the history or background of the illness, including myths, misconceptions, and past treatments.


The history and background of Alzheimer's disease was identified in 1906 by Dr Alois Alzheimer a German Physician. It is due to the brain abnormality of diseases. After the death of a patient this doctor had identified the disease as it was due to the twisted bands of nerve fibers in the brain (Zelman, 2010). This discovery was made almost 100 years ago and in 19990's the significant discoveries were made regarding the disease in the understanding of complex nerve cells in the Alzheimer's disease patients. The cognitive symptoms of the disease were several drugs and genes. There are many misconceptions regarding the disease as it needs to be focused as to overcome the problem of Alzheimer's disease in near future (A History of Alzheimer's Disease, 2013).

There are myths and misconceptions that interfere with the Alzheimer's disease. (Lunde, 2012). The stigma that is associated with the Alzheimer's disease is cognitive disability, suffering from loss of mind and the metal retardation that is associated with this disease. even today there are some myths of Alzheimer's disease that exists in the society they are the dementia is due to normal aging diseases that is associated by Alzheimer's, this disease have different affects as there are individual differences that prevails in the society (Zelman, 2010). The violent and agitated behavior is associated with this disease as this is not acceptable in each and every patient condition. There is also misconception that people with these dieses cannot lead a quality of life. there all myths exits in society at present and it has to be overcome as these are misconceptions and not reality in reality a patient with Alzheimer's disease can live active and meaningful life.

The past treatment for Alzheimer's disease was the use of tricycle antidepressants in the past were sued for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (Zelman, 2010). These antidepressants were used in the patient of Alzheimer's that are suffering from common symptoms and that have Neuro chemical deficit. the drugs that are useful in the medication of Alzheimer's patient were in 1993 drug named Tacrine, in the year 1996 drug named Donepenzil was also added in treatment, in 2000 Rivastigmine was used and in the year 2001 Galantamine was identified as a successful drug in the treatment of Alzheimer's diseases. Moreover the suitability of drug among patient is dependant upon physician as physician plays a key role in identifying the drug according to the patient condition (Brain, 2002).

Describe the signs and symptoms of the selected mental illness?

Answer 2

There are signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease according to the condition of the patient as there are three stages of patient such as mild, moderate and severe condition of the patient. The symptoms for mild Alzheimer disease are absentmindedness; changes in mood, there are speaking and speech problems (Zelman, 2010). It results in grad loss of brain function. In moderate Alzheimer's disease the signs and symptoms are spatial ...
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