Alternative Medicine - Nursing

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Alternative Medicine - Nursing

Alternative Medicine - Nursing

Question 1:

Summarise the Australian evidence based guidelines for the management of ACS.

The guidelines for the management of Acute Coronary Syndrome were presented by the Cardiac society and Heart Foundation. The Acute Coronary Syndrome is considered to be a common disease in Australia which has resulted in causing many deaths. The guidelines presented are a framework for the doctors, cardiologists and physician, so that their practices can be appropriately followed with respect to the judgment in clinical terms. These guidelines are helpful for the doctors in decision making process related to the ACS patients (National Heart Foundation of Australia, 2006).

The guideline helps in the management of Acute Coronary Syndrome, by helping the doctor's in treating their patients well. The treatment and care of the ACR patients can be summarized into three main parts according to the presented guidelines, the initial evaluation and stabilization of the patients, efficient risk stratification, and then focus on the cardiac care. In the evaluation stage, it is better to observe the patient and the symptoms he facing carefully, so as to judge his illness well. The past records help the doctors in better understanding the conditions of the patient (Brieger et. al, 2009).

The guidelines for the management of Acute Coronary Syndrome provide guidelines for implementation plan for ACS. This plan includes Recommendations, in which the latest evidences are reflected. The plan also includes clinical knowledge and skills which helps the hospitals and doctors to realize the best practice of management. The knowledge and skills phase includes awareness, agreement, adoption and adherence. The third phase of the guidelines includes data and monitoring where the necessary data is collected related to the patients and is closely monitored by the doctors. This data helps in reducing the gap between the evidence management and the current practice. The guideline also provides with a way to reduce the implementation barriers, and the government and Heart Institute are also taking measures to reduce the barriers more.

The key recommendations of the Australian evidence based guidelines include the hospitals to have proper systems to treat their patients and to take care of them in an effective manner. The new and advanced way of diagnosis should be implemented by taking advantage of the new terminologies. It is necessary to take all the possible measures urgently when the patient is facing chest pain. Like aspirin can be given urgently, so the management should take care that aspirin is also present in the ambulance. ECG and blood tests of the patient should be taken so as to make sure that the patient is being observed properly and the diagnosis is done well. Another key recommendation is that the doctors or physicians should take their decision after properly observing the condition of the patient and after observing they should apply the proper strategy required at the moment to treat the patient. The reperfusion strategy is used by the doctors, which is related to the time that can be delayed for ...
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