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Health issue of Inner East Melbourne

Health issue of Inner East Melbourne

Brief description of the issue including definition

Growing poor mental health especially is the major health problem all around the world but particularly it has become a grave issue in Inner east of Melbourne. In Inner east of Melbourne this issue has become a major concern which is shaping itself very dangerously. The issue of poor mental health means that people having less capability of tacking the things in which they feel difficulty (Resnick, R. J, 2000).

The mental health is very much essential in determining the behaviour and attitude of an individual towards different things. This discussion builds on a range of current mental health related services, programs and policies addressing mental illness among older people at international, national, state, regional and local level. Generally speaking, age- friendly mental care actions are set on the basis of identifying and dealing with common triggers of depression among seniors. (PHIDU. 2005).

Primary Care Partnerships (PCPs)

The concerned of government of inner east of Melbourne has made a landmark to establish almost thirty centres for Primary Care Partnerships (PCPs) in order to perk up transmission to services and durability of heed for people by improving coordination between services, as well as constant disease deterrence, incorporated health promotion, and partnership growth. The introduction of Primary Care Partnerships (PCPs) has been intended to boost up a diverse variety of associate agencies. All the PCPs including local government community, hospitals, health and divisions of wide-ranging practice. There are also many other kinds of health care agencies which are working in the coordination with the PCPs in order to prevent and improve the growing mental health.

Data about the extent to which this issue impacts on people

In the community of inner east of Melbourne there is a severe rate of poor mental health is observed. From the total population of inner east of Melbourne, around 19 percent of community members are facing the disability in the mental health. This is an alarming situation for the Government of Australia as the rate of peoples owing to poor mental health is increasing day by day excessively. Depression is common in Australia with over a million Austrian adults experienced depression annually (Australian Government, 2005).

According to an authentic mental health source in the inner east of Melbourne there are 3 percent of people having severe disability arising from mental poor health; 4 percent are of the standard of moderate poor mental health and 12 percent are of mild poor mental health. This is a serious issue regarding health standards in inner east of Melbourne which is shedding serious impacts on people in the catchment and more broadly it is causing very serious implications (Robinson S, Marin, 2003).

The population of inner east Melbourne can be divided according to region wise. The approximate overall population in the inner east of Melbourne in 2012 is over 335,000. The population approximations are; Stonington 100,351; Port Phillip 97,429; Glen Eira ...
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