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Alternative Medicine

Challenge and Response to Body Integrity

Challenge and Response to Body Integrity

1. Which endocrine disorder is consistent with Susan signs and symptoms?

The endocrine disorder that is consistent with the symptoms and signs of Susan is an extended type of Thyroid known as Hyperthyroidism.


It is a butterfly shaped gland that is developed in the front side of the neck and it controls the metabolism process. Jansen (2005, p.759) diagnosed that metabolism process creates the rate that is used in burning our calories and lastly it helps in monitoring that how quickly easily we reduce our weight and how quickly we increase it. In case of Susan, it is observed that all her signs and symptoms are related to Hyperthyroidism a severe kind of thyroid (Jansen, 2005, p.759).

The endocrine disorder of Susan was Hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive form of thyroid. In this condition the thyroid glands produces and extracts massive quantity of free triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid hormones (Jansen, 2005, p.759). Hyperthyroidism is completely opposite of hypothyroidism, in which there is an under production of T3 and T4. This disease can cause thyrotoxixosis, which is a result of inflammation in the thyroid gland. It can cause excessive release of thyroid hormone that was already stored in the gland (Jansen, 2005, p.759).

The feedback system of endocrine helps in controlling the balance and level of hormones in the blood stream. This system will signal the appropriate gland about having too little or too much of particular hormones and then the glands are involved in rectifying this problem (Jansen, 2005, p.759). An individual can face hormonal imbalance if the feedback system does not promptly signals the glands, which can cause imbalance of hormones in the bloodstream (Bifulco & Cavallo, 2007, p.40).

2. Discuss the enlargement found in Susan neck?

The enlargement that was found in front of Susan's neck simply highlights thyroid disease. It is one of the major endocrine glands that can be found in a human body. Thyroid gland is found in the neck of an individual under the thyroid cartilage (Bifulco & Cavallo, 2007, p.40). How promptly our body utilizes the energy, creates proteins and monitors the sensitivity of the body are all controlled by thyroid glands. Bifulco and Cavallo (2007, p.40) stated that thyroid glands takes an active part in these activities by producing thyroid hormones, the most important ones among all the thyroid hormones are thyroxine and triiodothyronine (T3).

Thyroxine is also known as tetraiodothyronine (T4). T3 and T4 are the two hormones that are involved in regulation of metabolism rate and it also affects the growth rate of other body organs. Iodine and Tyrosine help in synthesizing the two hormones T3 and T4. Susan is suffering from Thyroids as she is having clear symptoms of enlargement in front of her neck. This is lowering down her metabolism system and is affecting overall body system (Bifulco & Cavallo, 2007, p.40).

The most commonly observed issues in thyroid glands are under-active or over-active thyroid ...
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