Alternative Mechanism Of Society Rules And Laws

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Alternative Mechanism of Society Rules and Laws


“Society without legal rules can exist only if some other mechanism was found to provide the same the practical effects of regulating society through legal norms.” What may be the “other mechanism”? In what ways, would such mechanism alter or transform the legal system?


A society cannot exist without laws or legal system, even though it is only one fundamental rule. Law or legal system is very much important for the society. There are several categories of law; each law has its own main concern. But in general, law is significant to keep up the status quo, vested rights, established relationships and also to protect the property. It is consider that the rules and regulation are the structure of any society and of course without these law and regulations society can never prevail. These laws controls each and every thing what we perform, at what time we do this as well as how we accomplish this . If we decide to break these laws afterward we are penalize.

Considering the sensitivity of the issue as if there were no rules and regulation to control the people in their lives at that moment the concept of society is uncompleted, and in fact, the society would not be able to live in. Community would be free of charge to take decisions based only on their main philosophy, in the absence of these laws these laws there will be no one to stop murders, damages, rapes, trespasses and terrorist activities as people will be free to act ant thing. Consequently it will be devastating if not impracticable to base any society only on such values.


A set of rules always needed for a society to control relationships among people with contradictory interests, for instance, company and workers, property-owner and tenants as well as neighbors . A legal system is important for that but if there is no legal system for the society there must be a religious system to ensure that rights of humans are respected.

Personal Reflection

I believe that set of rules are good thing for the reason that without them there would be no control. Society without legal rules and regulations cannot exist or survive. It is true, but if there are no rules and regulations for the society, there must be a system that maintains a society against the crimes and other disputes.

The system alternative to this may be a religious system, where rules are followed according to the teachings of any religion. For instance, for the followers of Christianity there are set of rules that may be followed as an alternative system of legal system. Similarly, in Islam there is a system that is followed in various Islamic countries to maintain justice in the society. This system is known as Sharia. The system of Sharia does have good teachings and solutions to the problems and that is why followed in several countries .

This system is widely followed in the Kingdom of Saudi ...
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