Alternative Energy

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Alternative Energy


Just like days come and pass, seasons start and end, years begin and end similarly, life on this earth in the reflection of human beings come in this world and go. But, one thing that remains attached with this change is the requirement and needs. God has bestowed a number of blessings on us to fulfill our needs that we want to live on this earth. God has given us a number of blessings such as water, minerals, salts, oil, gas etc. One thing that is stigmatized with these resources is that of scarcity. In a nutshell, scarcity can be defined as limited availability of a resource whereas the demand of that resource is unlimited. This means that these major resources have unlimited want and limited availability.

In order to deal with this issue and issue of similar nature scientists, scholars and practitioners have devised the phenomenon of alternative energy sources. Another very crucial and important reason to reach to the decision of formulating and preferring alternate energy resources is that of global warming. Every day on this earth tons of carbon dioxide is produced. The emission of this carbon dioxide is the main cause of the pollution and global warming. The aim and objective of this paper is also to talk about same concept. The purpose of this paper is to discuss that option of alternative energy sources would end up the dependence of human beings on oil to fulfill their needs.


Currently the price of the gas is fluctuating, and this is the critical issue for many oil companies as well as for consumers. Out of frustration consumers ask the reason behind this fluctuation in the price of gas. The phenomenon of demand and supply causes great impact on the price of gas. Gas prices increases when there is more demand than the supply and less investment in the field of development. According to Mouawad, “The demand of oil imports will be quadruple by China and India by the year 2030”. This is a huge increase in the demand which in turn would increase the price (Mouawad, 17).

The resource of oil and gas is spent on four important sectors of transportation, industrial, commercial and residential. According to research the resource of oil is most spent on the transportation sector. The demand in this sector is frequently increasing. This is mainly because of increased usage of personal vehicles. The Hirsch report presents the fact that in 2006, 68.9% of oil and gas reserves were spent on transportation whereas; the usage percentage of oil in this field of the rest of the world was around 55% (Krupp and Horn, 46).

Availability of Alternative Source of Oil in Transportation Field

The green power is imposed on the world, and especially on the developing world, is a green socialism in which they alone determine energy, resource, lifestyle and other economic and social decisions at every level. There is energy all around us. It cannot be created or destroyed. It just changes ...
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