Al-Khalid Bin Turki

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Al-Khalid bin Turki's Beach compound

Table of Contents



Fair Division: Concept and application:3

Criteria for fair division:4

Application on: Al-Khalid bin Turki's Beach compound5

Construction of Beach Villas:7

Concept of Project:8

Definition Phase:9

Design Phase:10

Construction and testing:12

Implementation and Deployment:13

Brief literature on Beach Villa:14




Brief literature on recreational space:18

Psychological Health:19

Social Health:19

Physical Health:20

Al-Khalid bin Turki's Beach compound


This paper discusses the division of a family property located along the beach of Jeddah city in Saudi Arabia. The property (land) measuring 300 meters in length and 82 meters in width is a personal family beach compound under the name of Al-Khalid bin Turki's Beach compound. The total covered are of the land is 24600m2.

This study is regarding how this above mentioned land is going to be divided among the seven family members and that too equally; after which seven beach villas are to be constructed on the divided pieces of land. The conditions for the construction and division are uniform for each of the seven family members, which state that all land portions (divided) should be of equal covered are, the beach villas should be independent that is every family member has his own privacy. The given names of the family members are: Abdullah, Bandary, Faisal, Saud, Madawi, Mohammed and Jowaher. The paper first discusses the aspect of land division into equal seven portions with regard to the fair division, also the concept of fair division is explained in detailed, and the diagrams are also given which show how the potions of the would be divided so that each family member gets equal covered area and land that is similar to the other portions of the AL-Khalid bin Turki's Beach compound. Furthermore, the study presents the concept of building construction that is essential to be understood and to be studied in detail in order to understand the Beach villa construction project mentioned later in the paper. The construction of the seven beach villas is a project which has a number of phases, and each phase needs to be completed before going on to the next phase. The complete project is discussed in detail from start till the end along with the graphical and diagrammatic illustration of key steps along with the assistance of different figures too.


The first phase of the division of AL-Khalid bin Turki's Beach compound into seven equal independent portions and beach villa construction is the division phase after which the project will enter into the construction phase.

Fair Division: Concept and application:

Fair division analyzes how to divide divisible or indivisible goods among two or more players in order to satisfy certain criteria of fairness. The problem of fair division goes back at least to the Bible. Abraham and Lot had to decide who would get Jordan and who Canaan; Solomon had to decide which of two women the mother of a disputed baby was. What was a fair solution in each case? This entry first discusses the criteria of fair division, followed by specific procedures and some applications in political science and everyday life (Brams & Taylor, ...
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