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This paper reviews and discusses the theme of alienation in two articles that are Seize the Day by Saul Bellow and the Third and Final Continent by Jhumpa Lahiri. According to Saul Bellow paper, the author struggles with the myth of man made for him that is so central to American culture. The paper further discusses how the novel argues that no one, however, difficult it may be past life is a failure is willing to let go of its old illusions (Lahiri 173).

According to Jhumpa Lahiri, I think this is about how life is pretty much made of ordinary moments, but sometimes we gives a gift to see them afresh and this keeps gives, so that we can live our life fresh and create something extraordinary a loving family, for instance. Mala excites again while rehearsing his speech for the crowd to be presented tomorrow (Broderick & Broderick 201). He had always wanted prestige, and power and now his dreams were going to come true. He was a craftsman working with silver and gold, making jewelry and ornaments, but was unhappy with having to work for a living. He needed excitement, a challenge, and his plan was ready to begin. For generations, the people used the barter system. A man supported his own family by provide all their needs or specialize in a trade. The goods surplus to its own production, the surplus exchanged for others. The psychological component of alienation is a process of self-estrangement and considered a failure of self-realization.

The main theme of these two articles is Social anthropology. Social anthropology is differentiated from topics for example, economics or political science by its holistic variety and the vigilance it devotes to the diversity of culture and society over the world, and the capability this devotes the discipline to re-examine Euro-American assumptions.

Market day was always noisy and dusty, yet people wanted the shouts and greetings, and especially enjoyed the fellowship. It used to be a happy place, but now it was too crowded, too much arguing. No time to chat, it was necessary to a better system (Broderick & Broderick 201). According to Saul Bellow, We all know the answer, but it is difficult to implement in USA, where there are closed reserves and prevailing power structures. There may be no limit to the development of employment if they were to be converted into paid services activities that until now people had taken each one for himself. Economists talk in this regard the new employment-rich growth of outsourcing of the economy and development of a service society that takes over from the current prejudiced society.

According to Jhumpa Lahiri, the social system splits into two, resulting in what conventionally calls a dual society or two-speed society. The result is a faster disintegration of the social fabric. At the top of the ladder, there is a mad rush to get one of those rare public employment and stable, while eligible for promotion (Lahiri 175). Whereas Saul Bellow said that, ...
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