“alice's Adventures In Wonderland” And “e.T”

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“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” and “E.T”

This research focuses on the various aspects of “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” and “E.T” and comprises of the following parts:

Purpose of the Study

Introduction of the element1

Introduction of Element2

Thesis statement

Comparison of contexts

Purpose of the study

This paper focuses on to the comparison between the likenesses of the children with respect to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and the film "E.T.", do they suggest a shift in the way we think about children? What had changed since the Victorian period, what has stayed the same, and what does this tell us?

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Alice's adventure in the wonder world is a novel written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is one of the MOST exciting and original books in world literature. Alices Adventures in Wonderland is one of The Most Celebrated children books of all time. ITS MOST editions of the beloved tale have featured the work of a single artist. Little Alices tumble down a rabbit hole is brought to life by a wondrous collection of vintage illustrations gathered from the late 19th and early 20th century. This exquisite gallery of antique images makes for a truly magical journey to Wonderland that will appeal to children book lovers of all ages. Alicia is the Rabbit's house after drinking a strange liquid grows much. And rabbit terrorizes the neighbors and shrinks again after fanning. Alice then finds a caterpillar smoking a pipe. poesía Irritating to Alicia and asked to recite poetry, but she cannot do properly. The caterpillar is on a mushroom and tells Alice that if you eat on one side of the mushroom gets bigger and if you eat the other will be smaller. Alicia is trying to have the right size to enter the garden. (Stewart, 28)

It is a story of little girl who falls down a rabbit hole that takes her into a fantasy world. There were anthropomorphic and peculiar creatures in that world. This was one of those fairy tales that was extremely liked by the children as well as adults. It is considered to be the best example of its native course and literary nonsense genre it focus specially the fantasy world that attracts the children (Schwab, 102)

"ET the Extra-Terrestrial"

A group of alien beings had landed in a wooded area in the United States. It is night, and aliens roam the woods looking for and collecting plants carrying his ship, ...
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