Alice In Wonderland: Question 5

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Alice in Wonderland: Question 5

[}Alice in Wonderland: Question 5


The adventure of Alice in Wonderland is a children's story which is narrated in the 3rd person tone. The voice of the narrator is aware about the movements, feelings and thoughts of the entire characters that showed up in the story. The books of Alice are exemplary in itself and also the iconic story of the association between sensually and ontologically distinctive worlds. On some extent, the narrator of Alice in Wonderland is traditional. It has been observed that the narrator is an outside observer; he learns the thoughts and feelings of Alice and shares her point of view. The narrator directly addresses its reader and displays many remarks in the entire story, usually in the trend of bracket sentences. There are the most key sentences that he used brackets to show his own perception like conveying the thoughts of Alice, for correcting the mistakes of Lice, and for explaining the difficult lines to the children.


Readers are greatly affected by the story telling of the narrator, which helped them to know better about Alice. The narrator make the reader understand the Wonderland in a more comfortable and easy manner. He gave a sense of familiarity and force readers to become friends of Alice. This association between the readers and the narrator builds an atmosphere of trust, friendliness and familiarity ( It seems that Carroll must be influenced by childhood as he selected the format of the story from a child's point of view. Moreover, he is very obtrusive narrator that help his young readers to understand the story in an easy manner as children do not those stories which are full of figurative language. From the action of the story, the narrator of the books of Alice vibrates at a distance.

Nevertheless, there are many boundaries on this kind of voice in storytelling. It has been observed that the narrator complete put his focus on Alice, we never find any action that she was not aware about. The narrator seems to examine or read the mind of Alice, but he did not make any mistake in his perspective. The reader was more diverted towards her adventures instead of her personal life. Basically, the narrator is an omniscient person who is aware about the voice of the characters that tells about their past and forecast their futures. The story is narrated in the ...
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