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Improvement for an ALGORITHM

Improvement for an ALGORITHM


Algorithm is the mathematical finite sequence of clearly defined steps necessary to implement some kind of tasks. The word "algorithm" is derived from the Old English word algorism, meaning perform actions using Arabic numbers. The algorithm is to carry out a system with some initial state to a desired final state. As an example, used in everyday life is often given algorithm recipe (Megson, 2002). For example, to cook a stew to be in a specific order and time intervals (the imperative of the time) add the appropriate types of cabbage and other ingredients. There may be some different rules giving at the end of a very similar dish. This example is for illustration purposes only, because the language of recipes is not clearly defined. The algorithms are usually formulated strictly based on the language of mathematics.

In countries like the UK, the algorithms can be patented if they are implemented in a practical purpose. Some argue that the patenting of algorithms slow down the development of science, because one manufacturer can obtain a monopoly, such as writing software creates certain types of files (Chong & Z?Ak, 2002). Many computer companies leading each other disputes law regarding ownership of certain patents. The counter argument is called intellectual property rights (which is covered by such a piece of music, which is a product of the intellect and work music) assumes that the program is the intellectual property of the creator.

There are many theoretical and practical applications of the algorithm. For example, it can be used to generate musical rhythms, which are used in music. It is also used in the algorithm of RSA (Reed, 2008). The Euclidean algorithm is also used to solve the differential equations, for example, to find the numbers that meet the given system of congruencies (Chinese remainder theorem) and finding the inverse numbers in a finite body. It can also be used to generate the chain fractions in the Sturm method to calculate the real roots of a polynomial. It is used in several modern algorithms for factoring integers.

The simplest version of the algorithm starts by choosing two integers for which you set the greatest common divisor. Then, these two numbers are creating a new pair i.e. the first of a number of smaller numbers, while the second is the difference the number of major and minor. This process is repeated until the two numbers are equal the value of these numbers is the greatest common divisor of all pairs of numbers previously assigned (Reed, 2008). The disadvantage of this version of the algorithm is the large number of subtraction operation to be performed when the difference between the numbers of the pair is significant.

Different types of Algorithm

Parallel algorithms

One way to solve complex problems is the use of parallel algorithms. This means that the program is not executed only once on a single processor but in parallel on many different machines. This approach was used for years in ...
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