Alcohol Treatment Program

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Proposed Alcohol Treatment Program

Proposed Alcohol Treatment Program


Alcohol is widely accepted and is already integrated into contemporary culture. Its intake is widespread as having a primarily social consumption pattern. Alcoholism is the consumption of alcohol, for a long time and addictive dependency links. It is a chronic disease that interferes with physical, mental, family and group, compromising the individual and his work and social environment. Alcoholic beverages obtained by fermentation or distillation of vegetable juice (fruit or grain). In its chemical composition is ethanol or ethyl alcohol, which acts on the central nervous system. Its effects depend on the amount people have in their blood. Alcohol is a culturally acceptable, legal drug that is part of the lives of many women. However, alcohol dependency can occur when alcohol is continually consumed despite negative consequences to one's overall health and well-being. The American Medical Association considers alcohol dependence, also commonly known as alcoholism, to be characterized by tolerance, the need to consume increasing amounts of alcohol to feel its effects, and the appearance of physical symptoms when alcohol use is discontinued. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) a standard for diagnosis in psychiatry and psychology, defines alcohol dependence as the repeated use of alcohol despite recurrent adverse psychological and physical consequences such as depression, blackouts, and liver disease. Two types of alcohol that are commonly abused are ethyl alcohol, found in beer, wine, spirits and liqueurs; and methyl alcohol, in household substances such as solvents, paint thinners, and antifreeze.

Causes of Consumption

There is no single definite cause for the origin of this disease, but factors that may impact on their development. People with a family member may be more likely alcoholic than those who do not. The reason can be attributed to genetic or biochemical abnormalities. People may also suffer due to psychological factors, among which we include: the need for anxiety relief, conflicts in personal relationships, low self-esteem, and so on. They also have an influence on development of social factors such as ease of use, social acceptance or lifestyle stress (Ball, 1991).

The role of employers for helping employees in undergoing alcohol treatment

When the employers currently knows of or have known of an employee who needs drug and alcohol treatment, it is likely that they would be frustrated. As an employer, they have a range of options available, but the action that many employers are likely to take is to fire the employee in question. Employers may think that is this the most practical and viable option. Dealing with employee drug or alcohol abuse seems troublesome, and hiring a new employee altogether seems as if it is the best choice for the company but that choice may be wrong. There are numerous reasons why employers may want to consider sending their employees to a drug and alcohol treatment center. Some of the reasons are practical, increased job satisfaction, or the use of fewer health care dollars, but other reasons may actually affect the ...
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