Alcohol Misuse

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Alcohol use and Misuse

Alcohol use and Misuse


Alcohol is considered as the organic compound, and one of the most common social lubricants in the world. Alcohol consumption is increasing continuously in the world since 1950. Alcohol can also be defined as the chemical substance that is used for its mood changing quality. Brain and Central Nervous System directly get affected by increased consumption of alcohol. Moreover, alcohol serves as the CNS stimulant if taken in low quantity. However, depression is directly connected with high doses of alcohol. Alcohol is absorbed through stomach and intestine into the blood; that is why, alcohol affect every organ of the body.

Alcoholism is a very general and common term for certain problems associated with alcohol. Moreover, alcoholism also refers to the excessive consumption or misuse of alcohol. Alcoholism is a serious medical condition that is associated with various hazardous risk factors. Alcoholism is also known as alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, or alcohol misuse. There are a number of studies that focuses on the alcohol misuse and related disorders. Moreover, various professionals have suggested that it is very difficult to identify and treat alcohol misuse. Certain studies have indicated certain risks that are extremely common in alcoholism.

A study was conducted by Massouras (2007), which focused on the incidence, prevalence, and understanding of alcoholism in the world. The study described that alcohol consumption is continuously increasing day by day in the world. Most of the people consume alcohol to reduce their stress level. Young adults and teenagers are also prominent to the use of alcohol. Moreover, the study also described that the incidence rate of alcoholism is extremely high in United Kingdom. The study further described that 46% of males and 35% of females are prominent to alcohol misuse. College students are also using alcohol for the purpose of fun or during parties. The rate of morbidity and mortality is extremely high in the world just because of alcoholism (Massouras, 2007, pp. 27).


Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol misuse is a very common medical terminology that is used for excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol misuse can also be defined as the chronic and progressive medical condition that is used for the alteration in mood. The most common signs of alcoholism is related to the problems to control drinking, continuous use of alcohol, physical dependence, withdrawal symptoms, and being occupied with alcohol.

The rate of alcohol misuse is very high among young adults and teenagers. A study was conducted by Courtney & Polich (2009) that focused on the problem of binge drinking among young adults. The study revealed that the binge drinking is a pattern of alcohol misuse, where a male downs six or more drinks consecutively, or a female individual consumes around four drinks consecutively. Binge drinking is directly associated with a number of hazardous factors. The study further described that binge drinking can lead an individual towards health and social problems. The study also described that binge drinking is directly associated with neuro-physiological and neuro-cognitive alteration in younger ...
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