Alcohol And Drugs

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Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and Drugs

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Alcohol and Drugs


Psychoactive drugs like recreational drugs and alcohol, consumption has drastically increased in UK. 7% of the adults in UK are highly dependent on the intake of alcohol. Alcohol is considered to be the second most psychoactive drug in UK. Alcohol and recreational drugs have become a frequent use among the youth and teenagers. This is because of the social environment they are exposed to. This is the environment where they learn to drink and behave after drink.

The health and social issues have well emerged due to the increase consumption of alcohol and other recreational drugs in the individuals. Alcohol alone has given rise to crime rates and social and economical issues. It has become the reason of mortality in many heavy drinkers.


Social Issues with Cheap Alcohol

The availability of cheap alcohol has become a common and easy to reach for the consumer of alcohol. The availability of cheap alcohol has increased the consumption of it in the adults and youths. This in turn has increased social and health issues that need to be addressed with proper care. The cheap pricing of the alcohol has not only increased the consumption rate but also the style it is being consumed. Relatively affordable rates of alcohol and increase in the consumption have inflated the social issues in the country. The diverse cultural change in the consumption of the alcohol is the basis for many social issues (Klingemann, 2001 Pp.3). The availability of alcohol at any time at cheap rate is an issue that can develop many other social issues. Heavy consumption of alcohol can have direct affect on the personality and health of the drinker. The individual drinker becomes depressed and with heavy intake his level of anxiety and stress increases. To reduce these levels of anxiety and stress he consumes more alcohol. The readily available source will always result in harm and damage for the user (Seaman & Ikegwuonu, 2010, Pp.23). The consumption of alcohol is more in men than in women. Thus the abusive behavior of men towards children and their spouses increases. The family life is badly affected.

Issues due to consumption of Alcohol

There are many social issues that can emerge with the consumption of alcohol at any age. Some of these issues are as follows:

Domestic Violence and assaults

Sexual transmitted diseases

Low productivity and performance at work

Road and traffic accidents

Cause of mortality

Financial trouble


Health Issues; hallucination and cancer

High consumption of alcohol affects the psychological aspect of an individual. Due to his habit of excessive drinking, he becomes the cause of many social issues that prevails in the society. The above mentioned issues are the caused doe to alcohol and drugs consumptions. Much of the reported crime is done under the influence of alcohol. The drunken individual does not realize the ethical boundaries around him when he is so much into alcohol consumption. He has unsafe sex that can become the cause of many sexually transmitted diseases (Mongan, 2009, ...
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