Alcohol And Crime

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Alcohol relationship with Crime

Alcohol relationship with Crime

“A Person not in senses tends to do involuntary actions however, unintentional. Consuming alcohol makes a person out of his vision and senses which in result might leads towards those involuntary brutal action”


The paper aims to investigate the hypothesis that why alcohol is related to crime. There are general though that people who use alcohol commit more crimes than who does not. There are some comprehensive and significant findings in the paper that will enlighten the facts of crimes that are linked with the alcohol (Gustafson, 1985a, 955-966). The paper provides significant facts and figure that will help to conclude the final results. The crime and alcohol is the most linked terms that used in criminology. The alcoholic are the suspects of the crime. While investigation the changes of crime increased from the person that was drunk that day on that place. So, the paper provides the chance to find the results of this statement. The paper focuses on the valid secondary sources that will help to investigate the findings and the link between alcohol and crime (Hadfield, 23-25).

Drinkers and alcoholics commit crimes much more often than people who smokes cigarette or other people (Saferstein, 2009). Simple intoxication of alcohol causes changes in human behavior. There is aggression, agitation, decreased attention, liability, euphoria and sadness in the mind of human. This may be accompanied by slurred speech and lack of motor coordination. Also, personality traits are changed (suspicion can lead to persecutory delusions) or appear foreign to the existing personality traits of identity (such as secrecy can turn into openness and expansiveness). Common effects include criminal behavior, accidents and trauma (Conry, 1990, 650-55).


According to Gustafson, R. (1986a) the estimated statistics are alarming for the crime and alcohol relations. The conservative calculations show that 14 percent of men and 4 percent of women, i.e. 42 million people in the countries of the European Union admits to alcohol abuse or alcoholism. Men use eight times more alcohol than men. Mostly men drink between 20-30 years of age, while women between 30-40 years of age (Saferstein, 2009). It is estimated that 15% of those who reached for the first time feels the need to re-alcohol drink. Alcohol commonly is considered to be the source of evil, misfortune and tragedy. According to Gustafson, R. (1986a) approximately 26% of the total number of crimes is related to alcohol use.

According to Collins, J. J. (1981) Alcohol abuse is often a reason for committing burglaries and other crimes related to the assignment of property: an alcoholic goes to any fraud, theft, robbery, in order to acquire funds to purchase alcohol. It happens that the desire to kill (for example, revenge killings), there is a man in a sober state, but in a sober state, he never would have dared to do so. In such cases, alcohol is certainly a contributing factor to crime. The relationship between alcohol and crime is manifested not only in the fact that crimes ...
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