Alcohol Abuse And Healthcare Issues

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Alcohol abuse and healthcare issues

Table of Contents



Health issues3

Death issues5

Issues related to Youth5

Proposed rise in alcohol and possible outcomes6



Alcohol abuse and healthcare issues


Alcohol has become an accepted part of life in the UK. The production of products containing Alcohol has become big business in today's society and the consumption can lead to a range of health and social problems. Alcohol has immediate and long term consequences on health and social life. On the other hand, many people find that Alcohol gives them pleasure time after long day stress and pressure working but that is only possible if the usage is moderate. In addition to that, a little of Alcohol is useful for our body spicily in the winter; it helps the blood to flow smoothly in our Veins. Alcohol is added to many of chocolate and ice-cream to make them more delicious. Alcohol has many negative impacts on young people because their body is still growing and cannot sustain damage like adults do. For that reason, the UK government has implemented a rule for all shops not to sell Alcohol to people younger than 18 years. The paper will discuss the abuses of alcohol and its association with number of health-related issues in the UK as it is deemed responsible of thousands of deaths in a year affecting the youth population at most.

Thesis statement

Excessive consumption of alcohol is affecting the health of the British nation.

Route map

The thesis begins with an introduction on the intense use of alcohol by the British nation. The discussion part of this thesis contains the impacts of the alcohols on the health of the country men. The thesis then continues to provide empirical evidence regarding the rise in death rates caused due to excessive usage of alcohol. The discussion part then highlights the negative impacts caused on the population of the country.


Health issues

The United Kingdom (UK) has been facing problems due to a rise in healthcare costs. It is believed that Alcohol-related diseases like hyper tension and certain cancer are costing the National Health System (NHS) excessive bills of more than £6 billion. According to Royal College of Physicians (RCP), more than 12% of health expenditure finance by NHS goes to alcohol-related illness. The recommended level for men and women hasn't even been considered. The research conducted by RCP shows that more than 27% of men, on weekly basis, would exceed the alcohol intake level prescribed by the government. Most of the people die because of the liver failure. 80% of all the deaths in UK hospitals have been caused by cancerous growths that would disturb the liver functionality (Langford 2012). The country is more likely to see this ratio increasing at an alarming rate because of the binge drinking.

Many people argue that alcohol stimulates them to the desired level but, according to the doctors, it depresses human capability, which can lead to many problems. People, who drink alcohol regularly, can be slurring in their communication, which may instigate ...
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