Al Qaeda And United States

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Al Qaeda and United States

Al Qaeda and United States


Al Qaeda is a global militant organization founded in late 80's. The founder Osama Bin Laden and the early members of Al Qaeda were trained by CIA and funded by Bin Laden to fight against Soviet invasion in Afghanistan. Later due to the influence of the preaching's of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab they turned against U.S and its allies and declared a war against them. The main goal of Al Qaeda is to create terror against all those who did not believe in their theology of terror.

This research paper is studied and presented to understand the history, theology and primary targets of Al Qaeda, as well as for the effects of Al Qaeda's terror on the history and socio-economic background of U.S and on U.S Military. This paper gives reviews of different peoples on the said theme of the research and will have a look on the Al Qaeda's leadership and its Affiliates. This research paper will also describe the factors that present Al Qaeda more appealing to U.S Muslims despite its terrorist activities.

At the end the key points of the research and answers to the questions will be addressed as the result of the research paper.


To understand the research reviews in their proper environment we need to know the background of Al Qaeda. Without understanding the perspective of Al Qaeda's foundation we will be unable to recognize and conclude the result. The background of Al Qaeda is composed of its history, his terror supporting Ideology and his key goals and targets.

History of Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda is an Islamic militant organization founded by Osama Bin Laden in 1980's. The history of Al Qaeda starts from the migration of a large number of Muslims from Arab countries to support and join the people of Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan at that time were fighting against the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and left from Afghanistan in 1989. Osama Bin Laden was a son of a billionaire Arab Muslim who joined the afghan warriors in 1979. Throughout the Soviet war he funded the mujahedeen. After the end of the war and the assassination of the Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, with whom Osama Bin Laden was fighting against Soviet Union, Bin Laden brought together with the like-minded mujahedeen to set up an organization or foundation to liberate the other occupied Muslim states. This foundation or organization is known as Al Qaeda (the Arabic word for the foundation).

After the Soviet Union ends the Al Qaeda went underground for the proper uprising and to fulfill its financial needs. In 1992 after his migration and settlement in Sudan due to the outbreak of the Gulf War of 1991, Bin Laden declared the Holy War (jihad) against United States and its interest in the Muslim World. He thought the presence of the US troops in Persian Gulf as a threat to the Muslim World.

Ideology of Al Qaeda

The ideology of Al Qaeda is credited to the Egyptian theorist ...
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