Airport Security (Profiling)

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Airport Security (Profiling)

Airport Security (Profiling)


The sorrow events of September 11th 2001 stimulated the bureaucratic and legislative branches of the federal government to rapidly work in evolving an airport security mechanism and procedures that would ensure a superior level of security of aviation installations. There were many alternatives available to the federal government to increase the security of the airports. The government could have could have improved the current system and could have given a whole new paradigm to the responsibilities of the airport managers (Barclay, 2001).

The best way to move ahead was by the alteration of the present system by enhancing the quality of service. The FAA could direct the airlines to employs and hire private security contractors to charter a new level of services to screen the passengers. In this way the authorities would be able to conduct strict background checks and would be able to establish a comprehensive internal audit and control system. Although more training would be required for the security personnel, but in this way FAA will be able to enact a higher standard of security and would be able to enforce higher standard of screening. As the security contractors cost a lot of money, strict screening and constant vigilance of the performance of the contractors must be conducted by the FAA. Levying fines and dismissal from contract must be the way to keep the contractors on their toes to enforce rendezvous the standards of security (Barclay, 2001).

Airport security system

Airport security system has become the matter of high significance after incidence of 9/11. Contrary to both popular belief and media depiction, most terrorism is neither crazed nor capricious. Rather, terrorist attacks are generally as carefully planned as they are premeditated. The terrorist act is specifically designed to communicate a message. But, equally as important, it is also conceived and executed in a manner that simultaneously reflects the terrorist group's particular aims and motivations, fits its resources and capabilities and takes into account the 'target audience' at whom the act is directed - Bruce Hoffman (1997). With the continuous increase in the number of passengers using the aviation industry it has become important to control and operate it in the best efficient way. At airport unexpected delays in flight due to service provider's fault may harm its reputation. Every carrier wants to have satisfied customers with providing the efficient service. The security system may be divided into two major sections. One deals with the optimization model to divide the passengers into various groups, second one builds the operational model to determine the optimum number of servers to serve the passenger better- Lazar et al. (2003). This thesis deals with the second section of the problem. We try to make an operational model to determine the optimal number of servers required. A security system at any airport divides the passengers into various groups on the basis of threat level. These groups then pass through various check stations depending on the level of their ...
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