Airport Screenings & Public Security Policy

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Airport Screenings & Public Security Policy

Airport Screenings & Public Security Policy


This paper discusses the various aspects and perspectives aviation security as it relates to public safety policy and the issue of individual privacy. It further elaborates the issues and challenges faced in the aviation security in terms of various incidents before 9/11 which consequently resulted in increased security. 11th September, 2001 was indeed a tragedy for all. This day brought tears and pain in lives of millions of people (Landrigan, 20041 p. 731). The cause of this event can be regarded as the aviation security loopholes. The sociological views of the incident took severe impact on the minds of many people who experience the event. This left people with trauma and shock while killing thousands others.


The United States, as well as many other countries and airlines, had experienced criminal and terrorist incidents before September 11, 2001. However, previous incidents not resulted in the dramatic increases in aviation security as the 9/11 attacks. 11th September, 2001 was a horrible experience. The issues and challenges faced by people are irreversible. They can never be able to recover the grievances caused by this event. 9/11 attack was different than prior terrorist attacks due to its violence and extremism. Thus leads to problems which compelled aviation security to take drastic measures for the resolution of safety standards in this regard. Hijacks and terrorists attacks in history of US aviation have never reached such extremism as 9/11 attacks. Therefore, these attacks did not significantly changed the security standards.

Everybody was afraid to face the consequences caused by this incident. The most noticeable harm done on 9/11 was carried out generally in that one day. The terrorists hijacked the planes from different airports and crashed in the twin tower of World Trade Center. It was the ...
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