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There are various models of strategic that management's use all over the world. The choice of the model used depends on the business processes a firm is involved in and other prevalent relevant factors in the industry in which the firm operates. We will discuss four differed models and relate them to our airline, keeping in mind the current global economic conditions.

We will begin with 'empirical-rational' model. This model states that staff is generally rational while making choices and is driven by their self-interests. Therefore, we will provide our staff a balanced set of incentives to keep their interest and motivation in the work. Failing to do so will result in opposition and resistance from the staff towards any change. If we fail to provide proper incentives before implementing a change, employees are likely to resist that or prefer leaving their jobs in favour of any other airline (Nickols, 2010, pp.nd).

Then there is 'normative-reeducative' model. The model states that employees generally adhere to already present cultural norms and practices and are unlikely to change them in favour of new ones. For that, we must educate our employees and develop new cultural norms to transform their attitudes. It is important to do that because otherwise, we will face problems in motivating our staff towards new policies. Therefore, due to changing market dynamics, we will educate our employees and create new innovative and productive cultural norms to remain competitive.

Another model is 'power-coercive'. The model states that employees generally adhere to the instructions being given to them by their superiors. To bring out a change, appropriate instructions must be given to bring out the desired results. We will use this model to make sure our employees productivity matches with our overall goals and objectives.

Lastly, 'environmental adoptive' model states that employees oppose gradual changes but adapt readily with a sudden change in circumstances. It is relevant to our airline as we can use it to change the overall processes and procedures in the company entirely to give our employees a radical change in the operation processes. It is expected employees will then adapt to these sudden changes.


After the financial difficulties West London airways were facing, there was an immediate need to undertake a radical change in the way whole organization was running. To change that, we used different types of strategic management techniques.

First of all, we used the cost reduction technique to reduce the costs. For that, we reduced the staff by almost 50% and brought down the total workforce from 60,000 to 30,000. This was needed due to the intense competition within the industry. Various low-cost carriers have emerged in recent years with low-fares and to compete with them, it was necessary to reduce our costs before we reduce our fares.

Secondly, we used another technique called as 'put people first' to motivate our workforce. Several strategies were implemented within the model to make our employees feel good about them selves. It was believed increased levels of job satisfaction and motivation within ...
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