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Airway Management - Oxygen Therapy

Airway Management - Oxygen Therapy


The continuity of treatment (continuity of care) in critically ill patients from the place which is the emergency hospital is best suited to definitive care requires construction of a diagnostic-therapeutic approach designed to ensure a qualified at the scene and during transport with specific attention to avoid excessive extension of the period of pre-hospital emergency. The appropriateness of treatment, due to the complexity of the situations that present, requires an effective and well-established multi-professional collaboration and multidisciplinary. While the strategy of intervention and the quality of the treatments made in place in the pre-hospital phase are strongly affected by such factors as:

Clinical skills of health personnel;

Technical skills and experience of the operators;

Non-technical skills such as the ability to work in teams

All the organs and cells of our body are dependent on a continuous supply of oxygenated blood. If there is a continuing shortage because not enough oxygen is added, the corresponding far-reaching effects on the organism may have. The first signs of such chronic hypoxemia are usually tiredness, fatigue and a decrease in physical performance. The critical review of the literature on aid in the pre-hospital setting highlights wide variability organizational systems of emergency (Emergency Medical Services). In United Kingdom and in the world, there are different levels of expertise and experience of the operators.

The pre-hospital care is an area for which there is considerable difficulty in finding evidence of evidence of high level because they are very limited studies methodologically sound, complete and correctly executed (Geary et al, 2008, pp. 89-96). The reason for this is the complexity if not impossible to draw randomized controlled trials for both organizational reasons (need for large numbers of patients to be enrolled to achieve a power of sufficient study to demonstrate effects on outcome) and ethical (difficulty refrain from life-saving maneuvers held in favor of patients who fall within the group of control).


For administration by inhalation of oxygen, you need the following equipment: oxygen tank equipped with a manual gearbox, oxygen bag with a rubber tube, valve and mouthpiece. The oxygen in the pillow is constructed as follows: removing the mouthpiece and the spigot, connect a rubber tube with a reducer of the oxygen cylinder and slowly open the valve gear. After filling the air valve is closed and the valve gear cushion, put the mouthpiece. Last moist gauze wraps to prevent moisture and oxygen dry mouth. The mouthpiece is kept at a distance of 4-5 cm from the mouth of the patient and gradually opens the valve on the rubber tube. Oxygen because of increased pressure from the cushion to emasculate and inhaling is inhaled. A tap on the tube and the pressure on the pillow with his corner regulate the rate of oxygen, while oxygen does not stand out completely. Typically, patients tolerate the supply 4-5 liters of oxygen per minute. Pillows enough for 4-7 minutes, then it must be replaced or refilled with spare ...
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