Air Passenger Duty

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Variation in Air Passenger Duties at Cardiff Airport

Table of Contents


Air Passenger Duty (APD)3

Cardiff Airport3

UK Air Policy5



Objectives of the paper9



Offering a Bid14

Technical Evaluation19

Financial Evaluation20


Legal Issues21


Other Key Changes21


Report on waste flow model for 5 partners including calorific values.22




A letter to be drafted and signed by Chair.23

Next Meeting23



Variation in Air Passenger Duties at Cardiff Airport


Air Passenger Duty (APD)

APD was introduced in 1994 with a £5 rate for the UK/EU and £10 elsewhere. Since then, it's seen several increases and a doubling for passengers travelling other than in economy class (Reduced Rate = economy class; Standard Rate = premium class) (Lalwani, 2011: pp 145-149).

HM Treasury consulted on APD reform in March 2011 including a possible move from four to two bands, inclusion of premium economy type seats in the reduced rate, the introduction of a lower regional rate/congestion charge for capacity constrained airports, and the possibility of devolving APD in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales(Lalwani, 2011: pp 145-149). The Government decided not to make any changes to the structure of the APD regime and announced it would introduce legislation to devolve aspects of APD to the Northern Ireland Assembly(Sausen, 2010: pp 555-61).. Further, that they would continue to explore the feasibility and likely effects of devolution to Scotland and Wales. They refrained from announcing a congestion charge for capacity constrained airports and said they would continue to examine the role of the tax system to support rebalancing the UK economy across the regions(Bask, 2011: pp 470-86).

Cardiff Airport

One of the leading universities located in Park Kathaas area Cardiff, Wales. Received a Royal Charter in 1883 and is a member of the Contact Group universities. The total annual sales of 315 million pounds (Lalwani, 2011: pp 145-149). University shortlist for the Sunday Times University of the Year Award in 2003. Before / August 2004, the university was officially known as the University of Wales, Cardiff (Wales: Brevisgol cymru, Kerdedd), although he used the name Cardiff University publicly. A diverse student population with 17% of students from outside the UK and 85% of students from state schools(Whitelegg, 2010: pp 154).

Cardiff has a number dazzled by the facilities and has recently invested £ 200 million in university property to ensure students have access to the latest technology and teaching methods. The University attracts students and a staff of more than 100 countries and has schools in all areas of study, and provides a number of courses are Tdersaha under the supervision of experienced staff.

The University modern library and information technology services. The latest technology is used in computing to support scientific research and education, and the university has a range expanding over almost a million volumes and 9,000 different newspaper (Cohen, 2012: pp 177). The library service is organized in a network consisting of 12 library, each of which is strategically close to the sections they serve. The students also benefit from the facilities and computing that is expanding and developing continuously to give students an opportunity to ...
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