Agent-Based Modeling In Nursing

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Agent-Based Modeling in Nursing

Agent-Based Modeling in Nursing


This paper discusses the nature of agent based modeling from the philosophical perspective of nursing. In addition, the criteria for truth are also included for the evaluation of the discipline of this methodological tool. This article is selected from the EBSCO host database and the searching criteria used were from January 2010 to January 2012 and the keyword was “nursing theory”.

The new knowledge application that is occuring from the swiftly expanding science field has significant and exhilarating propositions for the development of the knowledge of nursing. The growth of innovative tools of methodology for the study of complicated systems exclusively the agent based modeling and simulation has stimulated the development of the complicated systems study.

In this discussion, “model” is defined as a theoretical depiction of the notions and the experimental referents that are related to them. The term “ABM” or “agent based model” directs to the computerized depiction individual and dynamic bodies (agents), and their interactions and behaviors.

Ellis (1983), in nursing, has stated that “philosophical inquiry is much needed to identify and clarify important disciplinary issues, including methodological inquiry”. The discussion also includes the identification of recurrent themes along with the models from the research of nursing systems.



The prospect of modeling single agent adaptation and interaction at the confined stage is a significant distinction between the Agent Based Model and various kinds of simulations and models.

For the procedure of generating a superior model, the severance of diverse aspects, from the fundamental key arrangement of a occurrence with the aim of giving a practical depiction, is necessary.

The range of detail of model, from uncomplicated to intricate, is essential to the connection between simulation and agent based modeling. The model can become a simulation when the fundamental configuration of an ABM turns into intricate.

Recurrent Themes

Recurrent themes in a variety have appeared from the content analysis regardless of the series of topics and disciplines. These recurrent themes are:







The initial theme acknowledged is the heterogeneity of agent behaviors, attributes, and their surroundings. It also includes the capability of examiners to symbolize the heterogeneity by utilizing the ABM. The capability to model single agent uniqueness is the chief advantage of using ABM.

Social attachments or preferences are additional agent characteristics that can be integrated in the model in addition to the demographics like income level or age. An additional advantage of ABM is the depiction of heterogeneous behaviors. A particular example of agent behavior is the decision making.

To formulate a decision by an agent is the procedure used as one element of decision making. Another element of decision making to the agents is the kinds and number of alternatives accessible. A key factor of the environmental factors in the heterogeneity is the physical space that is exemplified by the ABMs.


The second theme in the study of ABM is the dynamics. Dynamics is explained as circumstances that modify in a series. Dynamic processes are represented by the dynamic models that are the ABMs. An effectual way of information communication is permitted ...
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