Agency Nurses

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Agency Nurses Pros and Cons

Agency Nurses Pros and Cons


Nursing agency usually consists of formal, skilled healthcare provided by licensed professionals in a patient's home on the advice of a physician. Originally applicable to only the spitalization patients, it now encompasses care for people of all ages at risk for institutionalization. This paper is focusing on the services of nursing agencies in critical care. The nursing agency in critical care has the following tasks to do:

1 - To develop strategies and actions that work in the short term response to the proposals at the critical care unit.

2 - To enhance the development of an open policy of health promotion and disease prevention and public health in which nurses are always willing to give up, because they are committed unequivocally by this model, far from the spiral of irrational use of technologies and services and the progressive medicalization of the society.

3 - To ensure a framework of human resources for the care commensurate with the needs that the reality and healthcare demands.

4 - To facilitate the development of specialty and advanced practice in nursing care for this high level up to all people in critical care.

5 - To start a new period in which they undertake to ensure participation of nurses in the provision and selection of directors in the clinical management at critical care.

6 - What is firmly committed to incorporate the leadership of nurses in health strategies and comprehensive plans that address the SSPA and leave the inertia always look the same site when looking for leaders.

7 - To establish criteria of representativeness due to the formation of working groups on strategic and operational level.

8 - To establish a stable structure of operational and strategic direction related to the care and nursing leadership in the Critical Care Health Service.

9 - To empower the structure of strategic management in the Ministry of Health and its relationship to the senior management of the health organization.

10 - To facilitate the development of an enabling environment for differentiated nursing practice in hospitals and the development of advanced practices.

11 - To define the figure of the manager of nursing care teams at different levels of skills development and its inclusion in organization of health teams in any organizational models.

12 - To facilitate the use and integration of new technologies to the provision of care in clinical settings and home care delivery.

13 - Facilitate and promote access to high level knowledge of nursing professionals.

Description and Analysis

Many medical institutions stood by filling out the temporary staff and agency staff the needs of the lease contract. However, there are likely to succeed in the long-term outsourcing staff. These workers are mainly in the field (and not, as bills can be handled off-site outsourced function). Examples of outsourcing personnel may include the "front" (reception) staff; clinic staff (LVNs, registered nurses, medical technicians, master, blood, and health educators); and professional clinic staff (source, ...
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