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Ageist Attitude and Ageism

Ageist Attitude and Ageism


Sixty five is considered the economic, psychosocial and physiological marker for old age. The attitude towards older people also known as the ageist attitude is contemptuous and patronizing (Pandya, 2004, p. 16). The attitudes towards the older adults are widespread. These are common not only among people with backwards approach but also among people that have a progressive approach to life. Youth, health and beauty are not everlasting and those who aspire to these are naïve. With age comes wisdom that the ageists fail to understand. Ageist attitudes are one of the reasons behind limited social life of the older adults. The paper discusses the ageist attitude as well the psychological explanation of the attitude in terms of life stages theory, and my personal perspective on what it means to be an older adult.


The ageist attitude

The word ageism has negative connotation attached with it. It signifies a sense of discrimination and stereotype against the one labeled with the title. Ageism in reality is something which can hit anyone at absolutely any stage of their life. Broadly speaking ageist attitude means that people are taken non seriously. They are thought of less in their cognitive and physical abilities. They are also assumed to be dependent on others when reality suggests otherwise. There are many exceptions to this perceived and imposed rule (Coughlan, 2002, p. 222). It is the responsibility of everyone in the society to challenge the ageist attitude for the better of the ageist people and the society as a whole. Ageist attitudes are prevalent in employment, in community as well as in the media. The challenged to these are discussed hereunder.

Ageist Attitudes in Employment

The Employment Equality Act (Age) Regulations of 2006 has been designed with the underlying objective of overcoming the discriminatory attitude among people. The hiring practice at organizations should be free from discrimination whereby hiring should be done on strictly merit basis in spite of the age of the person. The retirement policy may be applicable to all even the older adults. In this context, it is important to state that by just providing equal employment opportunities, an employer cannot claim unbiasness towards the elderly (Sollitto, 2012, p. 45). The biasness and the trivializing attitude are rooted in the minds of people and are reflective in their conduct. This can only change if management embeds a positive and respectful attitude in the very culture of the organization.

Ageist Attitudes in the Community

Challenging the ageist attitude in the community calls for establishing awareness among the younger population on the older adults and their way of life. These people are largely unfamiliar with the many talents that the older people possess and follow the preconceived notions that at the later stages of life, one has nothing to do except count the remaining days of their life.

Ageist Attitudes in the Media

The media has played a vital role in proliferating the ageist attitude. In fact, most of the stereotypes related to the ...
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