Ageing Canadian Population And Health Care System

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Ageing Canadian Population and Health Care System

Ageing Canadian Population and Health Care System


It is a reality of life that everyone wants to live for long but getting old is the only thing that no one desires (Thomas, 2004). There is no doubt about the fact that people cannot avoid old age from their lives as getting older is unavoidable as well as an integral part of the human life cycle. It has been seen that being old is not easy and can be seen as a difficult phase of life (Quadagno, 2010). This means, getting old not only brings physical health problems but is also increases one's mental and emotional problems.

The aging population can be seen as a group of people that has increasing life expectancy but a significant decline in their fertility is evident. In fact, being old is not exactly a problem of their future but it is also a fact that old age invites many health issues with the passage of time. No doubt, aging population at one end increases the issue of survival, while it also raise opportunities for people associated with caring profession on the other end (Shepard, 2010). Research shows that old age increase the risk factors and concerns of health where they already have one or more life-threatening condition. It is also vital to know that Canada has a significant problem of heart disease in old age people above 65. No doubt, the rate of heart diseases in young people has decreased since 2002, but there is no change in the health condition of old-age people of the Canada who is suffering with prevalence of the problems with their heart.


In fact, active aging allows an old person to become active to play a positive role in the capacity of change agent. However, it is based on gender and inter-generationality, promoting equal opportunities and personal autonomy. Overall, active aging policies contribute to economic development and competitiveness of the country, influencing the market, in society and in job creation.

Health Promotion and Older People

The health promotion is the modification of human behavior and environmental conditions, i.e. you cannot change the behavior of the elderly regardless of their environment, and this promotion is manifested through actions that directly or indirectly promote health and prevent disease. It is rare to find an elderly healthy studies show that having 2-3 diseases diagnosed on average, however in all senior citizen programs, in all clinical guidelines and even examining adult preventive medicine does not appear word 'healthy' but the word 'functional'. The health promotion is a strategy to maintain its functionality and reduce its dependence and therefore reduce the likelihood of entering an institution or increased mortality rates, as shown by many researchers. Health promotion involves three actors: the users, in this case, the elderly, health care providers and the community.

Older adults are receptive to the activities of health promotion, because they want to have good quality of life and be independent, all promotional activities targeting them are effective when ...
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