Ageing And Managing Health

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Ageing and Managing Health

Ageing and Managing Health

Part 1

Mrs. Jones is an 87 year vintage woman. She has been accepted to an aged care ward after a annals of falls. Mrs. Jones inhabits in a flat. She is mostly house-bound but is taken out most weeks by her family. She is content with these arrangements. Her family does her shopping. She has a carer from communal services who arrives in to assist her clean and dress in the forenoon and evenings. She has a annals of hypertension.  This has been well controlled on bendrofluumethiazide (bendrofuazide) 5mg in the morning. She is normatensive. She has iced repasts for midday serving of food which she chefs in a microwave oven.

She organises other repasts with assist from the carer. She bears from osteoarthritis in her hips and takes paracetemol 1g four times a day. She mobilizes with a Zimmer frame. She has a wound on her shin where she dropped which became contaminated and is slow to heal. During her 10 day stay in clinic she is discovered to have postural hypotension as a outcome of her diuretic. This is accepted to be the origin of her fall. The physicians discovered from her health annals that her body-fluid force becomes increased if she halts her diuretic so she will extend on her bendrofluumethiazide when she proceeds home. She has been mentioned to the declines clinic to assist her confidence. This will start one week after release for 6 weeks each Thursday.

Her shin continues unhealed and will need normal getting dressed on discharge. She has been mentioned to an orthopaedic surgeon for her hip. The outpatient designation is in four weeks' time. She has been begun on co-codamol8/500 two tablets every 6 hours to organise her agony better. She has been on a dwelling visit with the Occupational Therapist. She has made some alterations in the flat and put in a demand for rails to be put in the wash, bedroom and bathing room former to discharge. Mrs. Jones is enthusiastic to precede dwelling and the medical practitioners acquiesce to a release after 10 days. Apart from the wound and the analgesia, there are no designed alterations to her care. However because of her osteoarthritis, she has been mentioned to the community matron with the concept of evolving engaged in a localized Expert Patient Programme. Her family has acquiesced to arrive to choose Mrs. Jones up in their car.

She has dense right hemiplegia and has failed at rehabilitation due to her endured chronic agony in her neck and a heart condition. Doug fumes and beverages many more since her wife died. She furthermore has poor appetite and a poor dietary intake. A supple diet and condensed fluid was proposed by talk pathologist after some episodes of choking and unchanging hacking at serving of food time. However, Doug powerfully denied the diet alternations and proceeded to spend a usual diet. Doug gets lower and lower and is confined to a wheelchair when ...
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