Aged Care Course

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Aged care course

Aged care course

1. By making these activities more fun, people with dementia can be encouraged to maintain their existing and familiar skills. They can be encouraged to do their hand and nail care in the beginning or after showering, they can be asked to rub them with satin cloth, in order to increase their self esteem.

2. When caring for clients with dementia, problems that may impact on family, carers and significant others include depression, anger, social embarrassment a family member might feel, financial burden on the family, loss and grieving and isolation.

3. Therapies that may be used to provide purposeful and meaningful activities to enhance self-esteem and pleasure in life is to minimize dullness and to divert from or do away with behavioral and psychological indications of dementia. These activities can be structured or unstructured and can range from individual to large group. For example, gardening, formal morning teas, placing chairs facing out a window for watching, relaxation movies, singing quietly to someone, making a small sitting room space with mild classical music and tantalizingly sited chairs, doll therapy.

4. Caregiving for a dementia patient can be very physically and emotionally stressful. A caregiver should monitor its own stress level concerning working with individuals with dementia and strategies that can be opted for reducing stress level include: use of suitable self care strategies and if required seek support from the family, friends and support groups for people suffering with dementia, for ideas on lessening the workload and/ or stress. Sometimes flooded out caregivers start overlooking their own wellbeing and do not seek advice from doctors for their own difficulties and tension and then start feeling cut off from friends and family members. Caregiver can avoid isolation by taking part in communities and may ask for help from family, friends and colleagues. Even if with direct caregiving jobs they cannot help but with other chores, they can assist. Stress can also be reduced by availing day care or respite care facilities.

5. We can talk to her, recollecting memories of her daughter, and give her a sense of affection. We can also engage in such activities which aim to preserve independence, employing familiar routines and present skills. The other people should be known about her state of mind. The other people can also be involved in such activities to distract the patient from her current state of mind.

6. People with dementia can be mistreated and abused; emotionally, physically and by neglecting by others. There is a noteworthy possibility that a person being abused or neglected demonstrate a change in its personality and start acting in a violent or upsetting manner. He/ she may start yelling or using bad language, totally out of the usual run of things as he/ she may be a quite or gentle person before being abused. If the person with dementia undertakes either or both of the behaviors of repetitive psychological hostility and any physical attack behaviors; or he may refuse to participate in activities then I ...
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