Aged Care Assessment

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Aged Care Assessment

Aged Care Assessment


ACAT stands for Aged Care Assessment Team in which a group of people or health professional including nurses provide service to the aged people to meet the basic living needs of aged segment of the society. In order to provide utmost care to the aged people following two tasks were conducted.

Assessment # 1

Answer #1

ACAT service providers must do these five things prior to their visit to their clients' home

They must accept any kind of referral to achieve the equity of access to the services of ACAT.

They must obtain consent of information from the guardian of the client before visiting.

Should contact and meet the general physician of the client to understand the health conditions of the client.

Should contact meet the client before starting official visits

Need to gather complete information about the client such as social, cultural etc.

Answer # 2

The application form filled by the recipient

Consent form filled by the guardians

Brief of client's health conditions

Should have own card which proves you as an ACAT delegate

Answer # 3

The ACAT delegate or the service provider needs to identify the risks may cause by any action of the recipient through contacting his/her family, going through the case history and health history of the client and also through having a formal visit before initialing the care services.

Answer # 4

ACAT service provider has to act according to the forms of risk the client may impose. Service provider should avoid behaving or talking the way which may offend the client.

Answer # 5

 A telephonic chat before the visit.

A formal meeting prior to the proper visit.

Conveying the planning or strategies of care to be provided to them in detail.

Presenting them a card as a proof of their acceptance in your ACAT services.

Answer # 6

When a client contacts an ACAT delegate in order to receive aged care services, it is the duty of that delegate to explain him the role of service provider. This explanation makes them content about the services. Te delegate has to give examples of the services they have provided so far and the benefits these services provided to the recipients. The delegate should explicitly explain them the kind of services they can provide along with the ones they cannot in order to avoid conflicts during visits.

Answer # 7

Booking of home visitor prior to the visit because there are people who do not want fulltime home service provider or prefer to line in care centers.

 an agreement of residents must be signed between the service provider and the recipient which should include the name of the aged care facility, the capacity of care to be provided by the service provider, fees for care and services etc. it will save both parties from breach of contract regarding care to be provided and received.

Another most important policy is the informed consent from the guardians of the client.

Answer # 8             An ACAT must know how to deal with the challenging behavior of the clients. These behaviors can be overcome by:

Assessing client's needs.

Providing them with utmost care

Remaining calm ...
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