Age Discrimination

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Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination

Social Justice

Social justice is a construct morality and politics based on equality of rights and solidarity conference. In terms of development, social justice is seen as the intersection between the pillar economic pillar and the social. The concept arises in the mid- nineteenth century, referred to situations of social inequality, and defines the search for balance between unequal parties, through the creation of protections (or inequalities of opposite sign), in favor of the weak. To illustrate the concept, says that while justice is blind traditional, social justice must take off the blindfold to see the reality and compensate for the inequalities that occur in it. 3 In the same vein, it is said that, while the call commutative justice is that which applies to equal social justice correspond to distributive justice, applying to unequal. The most important contemporary theory of distributive justice is the liberal philosopher John Rawls (Kunze & Bruch, 2011).

In 1971, Rawls purposed a theory of justice in which he argues that a society is fair to respect three principles:

Guarantee fundamental freedoms for all.

Fair equality of opportunity.

Maintaining inequalities only to favor the disadvantaged.

The concept of social justice emerged in the mid-nineteenth century to refer to the need to achieve an equitable distribution of social goods. In a society where there is social justice, human rights are respected and the most disadvantaged social classes have development opportunities.

Social justice implies the commitment of the State to compensate for the inequalities that arise in the market and other mechanisms own society. The authorities should provide the conditions for the whole society can develop economically. That is, in other words, there should exist a few billionaires and a lot of poor people.

One cannot say that there is social justice, for example, 20% of the company earning more than 5,000 Euros per month and 70% live on less than 500 Euros per month. There are different schools of thought; however, we propose several ways to work around these inequalities. Liberalism in general, argues that social justice is linked to the creation of opportunities and the protection of private initiatives. Socialism and the proposals of the left, in contrast, focus on the state intervention to achieve social justice. Some are of the opinion that certain profit margins are immoral within impoverished societies and seek to end the unconscionable profits obtained through taxes, fees or other measures (Hepworth, 2012).

Age discrimination

The social justice issue that is discussed in this paper is the age discrimination. Age discrimination in employment may differ slightly from discrimination based on race and gender, in the sense that usually does not take the form of wage discrimination. The old age workers usually produce more than young and new workers. Companies can become afraid to offer experienced or old age workers lower wages than those paid to fresh workers, and simply do not promote or not to hire older workers. They can also encourage adherence to buyouts or dismiss disproportionately older workers and / or ...
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