Age Discrimination

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Equal Employment Opportunity & HRM - Age Discrimination

Equal Employment Opportunity & HRM - Age Discrimination


With regard to age discrimination, unlike what happens with other types of discrimination, there is widespread social awareness about the seriousness of such discrimination. This lack of social awareness makes now observe a perfectly normal existence of hundreds of job postings and demanding jobs do not exceed certain limits of age. To some extent has permeated society the idea that at least in theory can not be, nor should discriminate against anyone because of their sex, sexual orientation, race, ideology and religion, and yet not stalled in the same way the idea that age is and can be a discriminating factor equally execrable that the above factors.

Moreover, despite the recent adoption of standards and state come to prohibit age discrimination in employment, verifiable daily reality in job advertisements published in newspapers is that these rules are not respected at all (Kunze, Boehm & Bruch, 2011). For this reason, it is particularly important to spread legislation banning age discrimination in employment, disseminate and raise awareness among workers, enterprises and society in general, that the right to equality includes the right not to be discriminated because of age, as well as disclose the means and tools available to combat and denounce ageism (Pema, 2010).


Also, since there is already a law against age discrimination, and occurring, however, that such rules are not respected, it is necessary to undertake actions aimed at enforcing compliance with these regulations, by the double path of counseling and advocacy for those affected and the complaints and legal challenges of discriminatory treatment (Pema, 2010). The laws enforced by EEOC prohibit an employer treated differently or less favorably, on grounds of age job applicants or employees who are forty years or more. These laws also protect workers who are forty years or more against harassment at work by managers, colleagues or others in the workplace based on age (Furunes & Mykletun, 2010).

Employees under forty are not protected by age discrimination laws enforced by EEOC, although some state and local laws protect younger workers (Albert, Escot & Fernández-Cornejo, 2011). For more information about other laws that protect younger workers against age discrimination, please see other resources. Age harassment involves unwanted and offensive conduct in the workplace based on a person's age (forty or older) (Furunes & Mykletun, 2010). The harasser can be a supervisor, a coworker or someone who works for the employer as a client. Age harassment may include jokes or comments based on age, cartoons, drawings, symbols or offensive gestures, and other verbal or physical conduct based on age of an individual.

Any employee or applicant for employment, an internship or a period of training in business is protected against discrimination at work. Employees reported having witnessed or discriminatory acts can not be sanctioned, dismissed or subject to a discriminatory measure. In addition, no decision against a person may not be based on the bid or refusal to submit to unlawful discrimination (Albert, ...
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