Against Abortion

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Against Abortion

Against Abortion


Abortion is defined as the massacre of pregnancy; which often ends with a incurable pain. It can transpire simultaneously, in such case it is referred as miscarriage; otherwise it is known to be induced human pregnancy. More than forty-four million abortions are performed every year globally, out of which 50% are performed under precarious circumstances, without any medical training. It has been seen that a mother regret her decision of abortion, or goes to psychosomatic disorder after the abortion. This is the only reason why different religious communities oppose abortion. There can be number of possible reasons of abortion, few of them are; relationship issues, maturity issue, rape, psychological concerns and many more (Devine, 2009).

The topic of abortion is considered as a question mark, because distinct justifications are given by disparate communities. From the religious point of view, few communities consider abortion as a grievous sin and merely allow it on solemn circumstances. Whereas other religious communities does not regard abortion as an offense, because they believe that mother has the right to make the decision of her baby future. Abortion is one of the scorching issues of the modern world. The medical, ethical and theological issues wrap up, that abortion is only allowed in solemn circumstances. Many serious consequences of abortion have been identified by the medical experts. The consequences with regard to abortion customarily includes; instant complications, psychological disorder & the use of toxic drugs. Abortion under inexperienced medical environment has drastically increased the death rate.

Pros against Abortion

Abortion is viewed in American society as an evil that gives rise to many problems. Pro-life Americans view the concept from two different angels: they believe abortion is equivalent to murder also that it should be legal. Majority of the Muslim, theologians oppose abortion activity. There is ...
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